Prom Again Ensemble

Thank you everyone for your house warming party tips yesterday! I’m definitely going to be needing those for my actual housewarming party, which is coming up in about 2 weekends. Yikes! So much to do! If you have any more tips, or if you’d like to read the tips my readers have suggested so far, click here.


Gosh, I hardly took any photos today! This week has been a whirlwind and I feel myself slowly slipping behind bit by bit. Guess that’s what happens when you do zumba 5 days in a row. Yes! Today makes 5 days in a row! I spent 5 hours Sunday doing zumba and dance fitness instructor training. Monday through today has been basically: wake up, get ready, go to work, go straight from work to zumba, (sometimes have dinner with zumba friends,) get home around 9, 10 or 11pm. Where has my week gone!?

On the upside, I have gotten mega practice in this week.

Tonight, I led a bunch of songs again solo!:

  • Work
  • Loba
  • Sugar
  • Chaiyya Chaiyya
  • Blue Jeans
  • Boro Boro
  • Turn Me On

Umm…I think I’m remembering everything. lol So many songs…so fun!


As for eats…the few shots I took were of sweets! I brought some treats in for my co-workers today:


Local donuts. Love!

My co-worker and I have an inside joke that when you’re stressed at work, you need a donut to feel better. If we say it’s a “donut day” it means we’re stressssssed out! 😆 Sometimes if we’re on a meeting and someone is asking a tough question, we’ll ping each other, “Donut! donut!” like “help! help!” hahaha


I also brought in some of our No Pudge brownies leftover from last night. Hubby and I can’t (at least shouldn’t) eat that whole box worth, so it’s good to give my co-workers some treats and hopefully give them a smile or two.


As for the “prom” reference in the title of this post…I’m going to prom this weekend! Ok, not a real prom, but a prom for adults. We’re going to be doing some of our dance fitness dances at the prom, so I’m thinking flats are a must. I’m actually thinking maybe a strapless dress with a poofy skirt and some Converse. But…I dunno. What should I wear? Any tips for me?

If you could go to prom again, what would you wear?

3 thoughts on “Prom Again Ensemble”

  1. Oh, come on. Superhero chicks fight in 4-inch heels. Surely you can do a couple of zumba moves in them? 😉

    I like the poofy skirt and converse idea. Careful about a strapless dress if the “girls” might be bouncing. 🙂


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