Earlier this year, I fell in love with the gorgeous ripple blanket I saw over at Posy Gets Cozy and decided that when my crochet skills were more up to par (or when I felt daring enough) that I would try to make one for myself.
So Bails and I curled up on the couch with Alicia's suggested ripple pattern in the Vintage Crochet book and got started.
Here's what I do to my crochet projects because I can't count. I mean, I can count…I'm just not good at it. lol. I like to say I have the memory of a goldfish. (You think this is messy…you should see me playing tennis! lol) Anywho, I think just don't pay attention when I'm counting, and I lose track of what number I'm on and it's just not pretty. So, I came up with a solution. Here's my trick to counting crochet stitches: I count in smaller numbers (10's and 20's) and mark those groups with stitch holders. I add up the stitch holders and multiply by the number of stitches in each group and I have all the stitches counted – easy as pie! It really is easier – especially when you've got a lot of chain stitches to start with.
Not a bad start…just a couple more hundred rows to go…woohoo!
crocheting is beyond me…but I do love looking at that sweet little face…. long time, no see pics of the puppy…… cute and mischievous looking. lol….
I love that idea! I always loose count and spend so much time recounting! I must go find the pattern it has been forever since I crocheted.