8:00 am – Coffee – Content (5)
I had a harder time waking up today than I had yesterday. I felt, literally, like a rock…so heavy! I made a slightly larger than normal mug of coffee with Breakfast Blend, sugar, and 2% milk. I was soo tired, I totally forgot to take a photo…oops!
9:30 am – Cranberry/Strawberry Oats – First Signs of Feeling Full (6)
Guess I was more tired than I thought because I totally forgot to take a photo of my oats, too! They were berry-licious, though!
- 1/4 cup 1-minute quick cooking oats
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 tsp flax
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp seedless strawberry jelly
- 1 tbsp 2% milk
- 1 tbsp dried cranberries, on top
- 1 tbsp sliced almonds, on top
11:45 am – Indian Buffet – Very Full (8)
I talked some co-workers into getting Indian buffet again today – yay!
Plate #1
Here’s some up-close shots:
Veggie Pakora with Tamarind Chutney
Spinach and Chick Peas
Veggie Masala
Cauliflower in turmeric
Naan – my love – fave part of the meal…yum!
Plate #2
Chicken Tandoori
More cauliflower in turmeric
More lentils
One more veggie pakora…soo good!
More naan…because I simply couldn’t resist.
Dessert – pastry ball in cinnamon syrup.
Rice pudding (slightly more than last time).
Mango pudding (a little more on this one, too).
Post-Lunch Walk
We were all so stuffed after lunch, we decided to go on a little walk. Unfortunately, I decided to wear heels today, but I went anyways because the weather was just too nice. My feet hurt a little, but it was worth it for the quick exercise and fresh air. I had to wear some black, fuzzy slippers the rest of the day, which I tried to hide under my desk as best I could. Why do I have fuzzy slippers in the office? Because my feet get cold and sometimes I’ll slip them on under my desk to warm my tootsies up.
I had a nice, big cup of water (make that 2) when I got back because I knew I wanted to do some walking/jogging after work today and I wanted to get some liquids in me.
Couch-to-5K Test Run
So without letting too much out of the bag, I’m starting to really, genuinely consider signing up for the Couch-to-5K program. I decided to give the program a test run today to see how it worked and if I could do at least one of the beginning exercises. I know that must sound crazy to experienced runners, but runner, I am not. Running really is a challenge to me. I think I’m in pretty good physical shape, but running eludes me somehow.
The day 1 task is to stretch, do a brisk 5 minute warm up walk, then alternate 60 seconds jogging with 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes. Then 5 minute cool down walk, then stretch.
The first minute was over before I knew it. I couldn’t believe how fast it flew by! Each of the 90 seconds of walking seemed to go on forever…the walking “breaks” were very appreciated, especially towards the end of the workout. By the halfway point, I was starting to feel winded and was feeling like I normally do about running, but I kept going. When we reached the last 5 minutes, we were jogging uphill and I was feeling veeery tired and antsy like I start getting whenever I’ve tried running before. I decided to look at the situation logically and when I realized that in the 5 minutes left, I basically only had 2 1-minute jogging sections left, I realized how simple the last 5 minutes would be and the realization totally lifted my spirits. Hubby even took Bailey with me and we all 3 did the intervals together. It was so fun! Tiring, but fun! I’m kind of already looking forward to trying another session.
So, here’s the deal, fellow non-runners…I haven’t decided exactly when yet, but what I’d really like to do is see if any one wants to do the Couch-to-5K program with me, but virtually. You can do the program whenever you want, but I’m hoping we can start on the same week, so we’re all doing Week 1 during the same week, etc. The 3 days you do your exercises will be totally up to you, but I’m hoping we can connect via a blog post I do here on TCL with comments etc to talk about our experiences and what motivates us to keep going through the various exercises.
Any one interested? If so, go ahead and take a peek at the program and see if it’s up your alley. I won’t start doing the actual 9-week program until I’ve officially announced it via a blog post here so peeps can sign up to do it at the same time…probably not for a couple weeks. I think this will be a great way for me to motivate myself to give running a legitimate try and may help some of the others who’ve commented that they don’t run, but they want to like it. 🙂 I do have one last trick up my sleeve, but I’ll announce that part later. 🙂
8:45 pm – Chick-Fil-A – First Signs of Feeling Full (6)
I had a great dinner planned of a veggie egg scramble wrap, but when I checked the eggs post-workout, 2 were cracked leaving a mere 1 left…not enough for both me and hubby.
One of my best friends called me to catch up today and while we caught up over about 2 or 3 hours, hubby went out and got Chick-Fil-A for dinner. *Mar – it was so good catching up with you today – it’s been too long!*
I had a lemonade to drink so I could avoid caffeinie, but I only had about 1/4 of the drink.
For my meal, I had a 6-count kid’s chicken nugget meal with fries, Polynesian sauce, and ketchup. Yup, you read right, I had a kid’s meal. The adult ones are so darn big! The kid’s ones are about the right size…for me at least.
Calorie Summary
Calories Eaten: 1707
Calories Burned: 205
Net Calories: 1502
I feel like the eats were pretty unhealthy overall today, but again, the portions were relatively small, which helped keep my calories down. I’m still not too happy with the eats today because I really needed some more veggies and fruits and I prefer to eat out for only 1 meal of the day, not lunch AND dinner. At the same time, I like to be flexible and I don’t want to force myself to eat anything or not anything, so today worked out ok. I also forgot to have a snack today in between meals! Anywho, I know I am eating lunch out tomorrow, but hopefully, I’ll be able to put a good, healthy dinner together at least.
Just wanted to tell you that I enjoy reading your healthy eating blog. Been "following" it for a long time, but have never commented. I also read your Shopaholics blog, but I guess you are not updating it too often of late ?
I have also been doing the Couch-5k program. Currently, I am in Week 5. When I started, I could never imagine that I would be able to run for 7 mins non-stop, but it happens. And you will get there, it's a great program. I am really looking forward to being able to run continuously and get to the 5k mark !
I am interested in the challenge! But I have to tell you- I am absolutely terrified. I have also mentioned it to a (real life) friend and she sounds interested in it too. I can't wait to hear more about your plan. But seriously- I'm terrified!!
The challenge sounds good! Your first try at it seems like it would be a great program 🙂
Hmmm. You know I'm interested. I'm a serious couch potato though and I might quit after a week LOL. And can I do the alternate couch potato program I was telling you about, or does it have to be the one you linked to? (There's one in every crowd, isn't there?)
But first, I have to make sure I'm not drunk or something because I hate running with a passion so I'm not sure if I'm in my right mind.