Conservative Neon {Outfit}

You could possibly blame my love of Zumba, but I’m pretty sure I’ve always loved bright colors. I’ve been playing with colors in my work outfits lately, and my most recent challenge has been making neons work appropriate in a conservative office. I got this neon green, floral skirt at J. Crew when I had a 30% off pass. It was pricey, but it was one of my splurges for the summer. I went one size up so the length was just a couple inches above my knee, which I understand is a flattering skirt length for shorties.

I went with neutrals for the rest of the outfit and added a conservative gray jacket on top to help tone down the look. This jacket was a find at the last Green Jeans consignment sale (which is happening next week if you’re in the Charlotte area!) for under $20. It’s one of my other favorite sweater-jackets (similar to the one I blogged about last time). It looks sort of like a blazer but feels like a sweater. I love it!






Outfit details:


I went to the Southend area of town to shoot the photos on this post. I love this part of the city, especially how much it’s being revitalized.


Charlotte has been an interesting place to live over the last few years. I remember when the town seemed crazed with money. The ritzy mall was always bustling and huge condo buildings were going up left and right. Then, the market crashed, and the half finished condos sat half-finished, slowly decaying in the open air. At the offices where I worked, I watched people slowly trickle out while hiring freezes kept new people from coming in. It felt a little like my future was disappearing before my eyes. But things are getting better every day.

The offices are filling out again. New buildings are going up. I love seeing the seats filling up at work, and it makes me happy to see the construction projects all around. I’m enjoying all the signs of things getting better, and I’m staying hopeful things keep going in the right direction.


I wanted to share a recent note from the Universe that came through my email the other day. I posted it on The Chic Life’s Facebook page, but in case any of you don’t follow there, here’s the quote:

It’s perfectly normal, Diana, that when waiting for a really big dream to come true it seems like it’s taking forever, you wonder if you’re doing something wrong, and you feel like you should just be happy with less.

But I promise you, no matter how long it takes, once it happens it’ll seem as if time flew, you’ll wonder how you ever doubted yourself, and you’ll feel like you should have aimed a little higher.

Aim a little higher, Diana –

The Universe

Remember – aim a little higher!

3 thoughts on “Conservative Neon {Outfit}”

  1. I love the neon skirt. I’ve seen that a color a lot this season and have a dress that’s neon yellow/green from Express. It sounds a little intense but it’s such a cute dress and no one within a one mile radius can miss it!


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