Hubby took the dog out this am and let me sleep in…thank goodness because sleep seems to be the only thing that makes me feel better, and I do feel a little better today. I'm getting there! Mr. Chic took me out for a pancake breakfast (yum!) and then we did a quick stop at the grocery store so he could pick up some brews for the football game later today (Panthers vs. Cardinals).
For some reason, the restaurant from this AM was having problems with their water and they were not serving any coffees or teas or tap water. The food is fab there, so we stayed, but I needed some coffee still. Hubby got some gas station coffee from the place next door, but the food came out so fast, I almost didn't need it. In fact, the food got to our table before hubby got back with the coffee. The coffee was decent but by the time we got back, I craved a wee bit more caffeine, so I went for some black tea.
I originally wanted to pair some MateVana with some Rooibos Caramel, but I was out of the MateVana (note to self: get more MateVana next time you're at the mall), so I just went with a Thai Tea Blend. I got a lot of my teas (and all of my loose-leaf teas) from Teavana – do you have one of these places in your town? We got one a couple years ago and when I found out about the place, I went a little crazy and got about 6 tins of tea (plus accessories). I didn't get them all in one stop, but still!
Today, I got use out of one of my teas and all my accessories. I used my Teavana Pefect Tea Spoon to drop a couple teaspoons of loose leaf tea into my Teavana® Perfect Tea Maker (16oz.) and then it was steep time.
Once the steeping was complete, it was time to get the tea into my Teavana Perfect Tea Mug.
Then, time to add sugar and milk.
And, finally, time to enjoy!
After relaxing for the tea for a bit, I was off to hit up the yarn shop where I met up with the Charlotte Purls. I'm not a member (yet), but sweet Stacey welcomed me to join their event. Thanks hun!
I won a coupon for an additional 10% off my purchase today and used it to get some yarn for a couple projects I've been eying in the Debbie Bliss mag (the vintage pink Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino for the knee-high socks, and the Debbie Bliss luxury donegal tweed for the Lacy Scarf) and a ball of Mille Colore. A couple girls talked me out of the Blue Sky Organic Cotton and the Blue Sky Sport weight (that I eyed awhile back) balls of yarn, which was probably a good thing. Phew, with all this yarn and all these WIPs to finish, I'm going to be a busy girl!
What an awesome time! And congratulations on the coupon win!
I am totally loving your tea maker!
I've bought tea at a Teavana and it's really great (although some flavors are expensive)! We tried something jasmine – I forget the correct name but it was very pricy so we only bought a small amount and the salesperson told us that it was the highest quality grade of jasmine tea we could buy. The little buds open up when infused with hot water. I still have the canister too. Thank goodness they are not near where I live or else I'd go broke buying tea leaves! LOL
I've never heard of a Teavana — it sounds great. I'm just learning to enjoy tea — I wish you were here to show me some of the finer points!
Thanks for this link! That tea steeper dealy looks so cool! (note to self – learn technical names for tea steeping dealy)