Honey and the Purse

Random title, but it sums things up niceley.

Purse 001 

I fiiiiiinally remembered to pick up some honey when I went to the store today on my lunch break.  It will be so nice to be able to add honey to my teas at work now.  I read in my 150 Healthiest Foods book that there is a big difference between regular-ole honey and the natural, unprocessed stuff, but since I couldn't remember exactly what to look for, I just defaulted to my tried and true honey bear.  It's probably still better than granulated sugar, at least.  I figured the bear would get along just fine with my Happy Bunny.

Purse 005 

Does any one else like the Happy Bunny?  I think they are hilarious!  The e-cards on this site are awesome.  I wish they had more than 10-ish options for card sayings, though.  I just sent one to a friend…haha.

Purse 008 

I had a few minutes of down-time today, so I quickly sorted my purse.  Can you believe this pile of stuff was in 1 pocket of my purse?  Only 1!

Purse 011 

I tossed a TON of useless receipts and kept a few other things, including some gift certificates I forgot I even had.  How sad?  I did keep a couple recepts that I'd like to check against my bank account.  I don't usually do that, but I hear it's a good habit since stores do make mistakes.  Not to mention there was the one time I found out some chick in FL wrote in a $1 tip for a coffee that I never gave.  B!

Purse 015 

The one-pocket quick organizing break was so successful that I went through the rest of my purse, which (happily) was relatively neat.  As simple as this exercise was, I feel a lot better that my purse is uncluttered…like a breath of fresh air.  If only I could get my apartment done this quickly/easily.  

I am left wondering, though, how so many lip glosses got in my purse.  Hmm…

5 thoughts on “Honey and the Purse”

  1. My purse is ridiculous.

    I can't fit anything in there nor find anything because I NEED MORE POCKETS and I am not around my plethora of purses (they're nestling in Ontario while I am in Quebec).

    So I am stuck with a small purse for now, but I've learned to use my mini purses (like those makeup bags) and store little things like contact lenses and stuff in there.

    It really helps organize a purse without pockets


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