It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Springtime!

The weather this weekend is going to be A-mazing (yea, captital-A-amazing)! I took a couple photos from my balcony to share:


The trees are pretty bare, but look at that sky!


The sky is so blue and the weather outside is cool, but not winter-cool…it’s cool like a fresh spring morning where the dew is still dripping off the grass and the wind seems to be breathing life back into the world.

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The weather is going to be just right in the mid to upper 70’s!
When weather like this hits, there are lots of things I’d like to do:

  • Go for a walk/jog (with Bailey of course) to test out my new shoes
  • Eat lunch at a local restaurant on their beautiful patio
  • Drive somewhere with all the windows down, wind blowing through my hair, and my fave tunes blasting away
  • Have coffee or tea at a local coffee shop on their patio
  • Go to the Farmer’s Market (think I’m a little late for that, not to mention most around here aren’t open yet)
  • Read a book and/or magazine outside, preferably in a park near a fountain or creek – the sound of water is so relaxing!
  • Have a romantic picnic with hubby

We don’t really have anything planned this weekend, so I don’t know if we’ll get to do any of those things, but we’ll see. As of right now, I have a couple jewelry orders to make for my biz, D Celestine, and I have a bunch of emails to catch up on. How did I get so behind on those!? Oh yea…it’s 10 am and I haven’t had breakfast yet either! I was waiting on hubby who left a sticky note on the TV to say he was going to the gym, but he’s not back yet…I may have to eat without him.

Reader question: How’s the weather where you are?

7 thoughts on “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Springtime!”

  1. It was a miserable weekend, cold with hail and a freezing cold wind. Managed a bit of a walk round the fields yesterday, but oh boy I'd love some of that 70F!


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