Did any one see Rachael Ray on Monday's night edition of "Larry King Live?" You can read a transcript at cnn.com (click here).
I especially liked her tips on buying in bulk + freezing, shopping at farmers markets, and how she talked about how we should return to our roots and cook like our grandparents.
Reader Question: Do you think great food costs a fortune? If not, what are your tips for shopping savvy?
I thought she had some good points in that. I'm trying to cut down on the impulse shopping and, yes, the farmers markets are a good idea. I think a trip to our local farmstand is in order this weekend.
Well, I love me some Rachel Ray, so without even listening to that, I tend to agree with her. For us my best cost saving move is to utilize our costco membership. Its a LOAD cheaper than the regular grocery store, and I finally got a freezer in the garage to store overage so I can make better use of it all.
Thanks for sharing this article, I love RR but missed this appearance.
I loved that!!!! and I love RR! 🙂
No, great food is affordable, the key is making your own dishes at home.. prepared meals get $$$$. With the basics you can create masterpieces at home. I like to plan our dinners at home based on whats for sale that week. I also like to stock up on things when they go on big sale. I dont believe in wasting anything. I freeze what I dont need right away or leftovers. 🙂