Hubby and I have done a little house shopping:
A week or so ago, we hit up Pottery Barn with a “move in” 10% off coupon. We got some curtains…(but no RODS so we couldn’t put them up…grr)
A beautiful duvet cover and pillow case (second pillow case on backorder, but how fab would those colorblock pillows in the background be all monogrammed up?!) in Painterly Paisley. Hubby and I have had the hardest time finding a good turquoise comforter/duvet set we liked. This was the best of the bunch so we pounced on it!
We also got an ornament to represent the first year for our house – 2009! The middle part spins around. It’s a lovely ornamnent.
Hubby and I picked up a new down comforter in medium weight. We got mega discounts at Macy’s thanks to some coupons.
We picked up a couple hand towels from the Martha Stewart collection. We’re surprisingly short on bathroom towels so we put them on our Christmas wish list, but we need some NOW!
I also drooled over the Martha Stewart blue collection of kitchen gadgets – hand mixer, food processor, and blender. They are soooo GORGE! I WANT I WANT I WANT! But alas…I will wait.
After our Macy’s trip, we hit up Tar-zhay or Tar-jhay (Target).
Window cleaner – LOVE this brand!
We also got this mini rug at a STEAL. Originally $29.99 – our price – $7.99. Score! I think it’s super pretty but the price is just icing on the cake.
We’re having to buy TONS of these little rugs – one for each door. Who knew!? It’s great to find a good deal because these little babies add up fast!
Lots more shopping to do, but we’re getting there!
your puppy is adorable!!