Easy Sunday Afternoon

After our fantabuloso brunch today, hubby and I felt like we had the rest of the day pretty wide open. It was truly the first time in a long time (maybe years?) that I felt like the house was put together enough that I didn’t need to worry about it. And not only that, but I felt like I had some free time. The concept of free time typically escapes me, but today, hubby and I had an easy, stress-free afternoon and it was lovely.

I have a million things I’d like to do for the blog…for the house…but, I decided to just realx.


I got comfy in some PJ’s and a big sweatshirt and watched the Hot Tub Time Machine with hubby and Bailey. Pretty funny movie!

We noshed on some leftovers from the brunch party, pretzels and cookies. Those chick peas are going to be like my new popcorn! They’re so fun for snacking!



Hubby and I decided to do breakfast for dinner. We had Whole Grain Goodness toast with a dab of real butter and some steamed broccoli with a bit of real butter.


And the star of the show – a broccoli-cheddar omelet. I’ve forgotten how delicious broccoli and cheddar taste together! This omelet was divine!

We got to enjoy dinner whilst catching up on a DVR’ed Cold Case. I never get to clear out my DVR because I never have time to watch anything! Every time I actually get to watch something I’ve recorded, it’s like a special treat.


We just haaaad to incorporate leftovers into dinner somehow. Twist my arm why don’t-cha


We had the rest of Britney’s blueberry pie and a Vegan Green Monster muffin each. Yummmmers!

Potentially big week ahead for me. Hopefully some fun fitness news and definitely a wedding this weekend. You know what that means, right? 😉

Think I’m going to try to catch up on another Cold Case. Gosh I love that show!

Have a great week everyone!

11 thoughts on “Easy Sunday Afternoon”

  1. Have become a regular reader of your blog–you have good content and your pics are always amazing! Curious, where do you do zumba? I live in CLT and have only seen zumba classes at the YMCA.


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