Ahhh… procrastination, you devil, you. You’ve gotten me again. Ever feel like you’re so busy, your procrastination tendencies just seem to creep up out of no where? One minute, you’re a Type-A organization freak, the next minute, you can barely figure out where your keys are.
This week, I’m currently struggling with the fact that I’ve waited till the last minute to fully plan out details for my birthday party. Sidenote: All my weekends in September were too crazy to do any celebrations, so I’ve moved the party to October. Anywho, every year, I have plans of a glorious, kick-a$$ birthday party, but every year, it seems I have $0 to put towards it, which is kind of sad. It makes it easier to say you don’t care about the birthday party than have ideas that you can’t afford to actually do. I guess I just don’t want to get my hopes up or whatever. Well, this year, my I-don’t-care-about-the-details-of-my-birthday-party approach put me behind again. It’s 3 days before my bash and I don’t have the details I need.
At first, I was selecting between 2 options I’d brainstormed: 1. a more formal party uptown or 2. a more casual party elsewhere in town. Both options seemed fabulous, but I just couldn’t seem to pick one. Oh and I wanted to have a themed party…but what theme…I couldn’t decide that either. So take the apathy, add in the fact that I’m working 40+ hours every week, traveling out the wazoo, doing zumba 3-5 times a week and you can see how it’s easier to just put things off.
Hubby has been telling me to get an evite out, but I’m just not seeing how I can send an evite without more details. I mean, I dunno…how does this look?:
Diana’s Theme-TBD 30th Birthday Party
When: Saturday around dinner time till some time later that night
Where: Possibly uptown…or somewhere else
What to wear: Theme-TBD
Umm…yeaaaaaa…not looking so hot. Anywho, we’re currently waiting to hear back from one place and they’re making me really antsy, because I just need to know if we can use their space or not and then I’ll feel comfortable enough to send out an official evite. Basically, I’m waiting to hear if their space is available before I can finalize the party-start time and for events following. Cross your fingers friends that the spot I want is available. I kind of forgot I’d have to, I don’t know, request to reserve the space.
Moving on…
I think I did a pretty fab job of packing lunch today. I only say that because the last few weeks have felt more like a struggle, but today I had a plethora of options and great eats.
I started with some of my soup factory 3-bean-veggie soup.
Plus I had a GIANT salad with:
- baby spinach
- baby lettuce
- broccoli
- bell pepper
- celery
- carrot
- hemp seeds
- sunflower seeds
In the afternoon, I went for a pick-me-up-Pumpkin-Spice latte with soy milk and no whipped cream. The latte tasted much better without the whipped cream, but I think I could even go with 1 less pump of syrup. It was so sweet!
Oh and did you see my shoes in the background? I dressed up today for once. 🙂 I just love these hot pink pumps.
Afternoon snack = Chocolate Oikos with Galaxy Granola Vanilla almond granola. I generally love a good granola/yogurt combo, and I loved this flavor combo today.
I stayed late at work, which stunk, but I got to catch this beautiful sunset on my way home.
I also stopped by a local boutique to pick out a piece of clothing for my birthday party outfit. Any guesses what I’m wearing???
Look who was waiting for me to finish my apple tonight.
Bailey actually likes to gingerly nibble at the apple core.
It’s so funny to watch him try to get the apple meat off of the core.
Doin the Demi
Did you hear about Demi Moore and Lisa Rinna posting photos of themselves in bikinis on twitter? You can read more about it here (click). Apparently Moore posted her photo first and then Rinna was inspired to do the same, saying she was “Doin the Demi.” The best thing about the article I read earlier today (not the same as the one linked above…can’t find the one I read earlier) is that Moore says basically that at 47, she finally has the body she always wanted. To me, this is very inspirational. Some people may say that 40+ is old, but here is Moore proving age doesn’t mean you can’t have a positive body image and be happy with your body.
Perhaps this concept is more on my mind, now that I’ve moved out of my twenties and officially into my 30s. When I was younger, 30 always seemed so old, but now that I’m here, I really don’t feel different. I don’t feel “old.” Sometimes, I don’t even feel like an “official adult.” I just feel like “me.”
When I was in my early 20’s, I thought of those years to sort of be my “prime years”. I figured everything would just go downhill from there. You’re going to be so old when you’re 30!
And yet…here I am at 30 years old and feeling the best I’ve ever felt. I feel healthy and happy and at 30 I sort of feel like I currently have the body I’ve always wanted.
And yet…part of me is scared about 40 already. Will 30 be my “prime” with things going down hill from here? Only time will tell, but I feel like my healthy lifestyle is one I can easily and enjoyable maintain, hopefully forever. And if Demi Moore can be so happy with her body at 47 (17 years away from where I am now age-wise!), there’s hope. 🙂
When do you think your prime years were or will be?
Oh I want those shoes. I NEED those shoes! Absolutely gorgeous – as are you.
Hope the birthday party goes smoothly! As long as there are good friends, good food, and laughter – it’ll be a success regardless!
Aww thanks! And you’re totally right about the party! 🙂
I sometimes think I am for lack of a better word…wasting…my 20s. My prime decade. But then I look at photos of celebs and normal people and they almost always look better in their 30s and 40s than in their 20s. Like Jennifer Aniston and J. Lo. They are in their 40s and gorgeous. So sometimes I think/hope I’ll look better with age 🙂
Lots of comments are saying the 30’s and 40’s ARE better! There’s hope for us yet! 🙂 Btw, I’m sure you will be gorgeous no matter what age you are!
You are also looking absolutely AMAZING at 30. I hope that when I turn 30 (in 5 years, gosh it sounds so soon!) I look 1/2 as good as you do! 🙂 <3 you girl!!!
Aww…Lauren, you are too sweet! Thanks!
I think when it comes to good looks, confidence, taking care of yourself and being happy are the three best ways to age well! Clearly, you’ve got those three things down, so I wouldn’t worry about 40…you’ll take it in stride 🙂
love this comment! 🙂
I think every age will be as good as you make it 🙂
Very good point! 🙂
You look great and I agree.
I feel even better at 30 then I did in my 20’s. But I feel so much healthier, happier, and fitter.
Seeing those shoes made my morning, LOVE them!!
thanks Alexa! 🙂
OMG. I. Love. Your. Shoes.
MUST HAVE SHOES!!!! Where can we all get those fabulous kicks??? Okay to answer the main question…I feel I peeked in my mid 30’s. (Currently 43, soon to be 44…YIKES!) Although if I put some effort back into me, I could come back from the verge of frumpy.
Oh and you make Zumba sound fun! Going to check fro a local class. Thanks and keep up the positive mojo.
Jennifer, I got the shoes from J Crew! I bet you could find them on ebay since they’re a year or 2 old. Btw, I know of zumba instructors who are in their 40s and fabulous! 😉
I would say my prime was when I was in my early 30s however I wasn’t happy in my life back then and was in a different marriage. Now that I am 48, body-wise I am not where I want to be with my shape, but I am very happy with my life and my spouse.
Now if only I could get my body shape and health back on track, then I’d have all my “ducks in order!”
You look great and I assume feel great health wise, so my only advice is to take good care of yourself now because when you do hit your 40’s all the healthy eating and workouts you do NOW will definitely pay off because you won’t feel your age. Mentally I don’t feel 48 and when I had to stop my martial arts training due to lots of injuries, I started feeling really crappy physically. So the exercise pays off – really!
Its funny because mentally in your 40’s you still feel like you’re in your 30’s…I mean, I don’t think like a 48 yr old. How do 48 yr olds think?? LOL I feel like a big kid although my body might disagree with all its aches and pains. LOL
Great info here Marie! Thank you. Love that you still feel like a big kid…that will probably be me too. haha 🙂
The twenties have not been it thus far so I’m thinking the 30s I’m gonna shine! 😉
you go girl! I think the 30’s are gonna be HOT! But then again I’m biased (and 30 too)! 😛