I don’t know if you noticed, but I feel like I haven’t posted about crafting in forever. You probably think that I’ve been so busy with all this cooking lately that I haven’t had time, which is partially true, but I’ve been working on a top secret project. Yes, it’s classified and confidential, so you may read this post, but if you do, your computer will blow up in approximately 5…4…3…2…
Ok, so I’m bluffing…and ok, ok, the project is not top secret, but sometimes you can’t just post stuff w/o asking permision, ya know? Now that I’ve made such a big deal, you may be disappointed to learn that I’ve been working on only one small project. I’m currently testing a crochet pattern for Alicia (Posie Gets Cozy), which is really not so "small" for me and is something I actually think is pretty darn cool – top secret or not.
I’ve been working on her pattern, Polly, which is for the cutest crocheted beret you will ever see. I started on MLK day and have worked a couple rounds every night since. I finished the hat portion last night, but need to tuck in all the tails and make the top loop. I’m also supposed to "block it lightly" but I’m not exactly sure what that means, so I need to research (read google it).
The pattern is so cute and has these nifty little "puff stitches." I’d tell you more about them, but seeing as how they’re "top secret," I think I’ll just mention them…for your safety, of course. What’s that? You don’t buy that whole top secret thing? Ok, that’s fine…especially since I already told you I was bluffing, but seriously, believe me when I say that if you are into crochet, you will love this pattern. It’s still in test mode, so it’s not available for purchase yet (that I know of), but I’ll give you guys a head’s up with Alicia adds this gorgeous pattern to her web site.
Oh, and the yarn is just so pretty – look at that yummy red color! I just got the yarn the pattern recommended – CashSoft DK. This is my first time working with CashSoft and it’s so nice. I’m such a yarn snob…I’m a total sucker for all those luxe and uber-soft yarns in the yarn shops. I can’t wait to get my first ball of cashmerino…mmm. If yarn is your thing, what’s your favorite yarn?
Hi Diana,
I love it, especially the color what a beautiful red. Great picture with the little strawberry creamer, the green in the leaves is a nice contrast. Actually I have noticed that you really have been on a cooking craze lately, which is great but I am looking forward to some crafting, jewelery making and other stuff. Good to see the little beret in progress.
The scones turned out amazing, we loved them, very yummy indeed.
what a colour!!!
such a good thing for grey fall days or for the beginning of spring! With red nail polish ofcourse 🙂
I love berets and I like that red yarn, very cute for Valentine's Day. I used to know how to crochet when I was very young (before I was 15!) but since I stopped I forgot how. I would love to learn again so I could make some things for myself. Can't wait to see the finished product!
Gorgeous! And that color — oh yum. It looks just beautiful, and thank you again so much!