A couple of days ago, one of my all-time favorite Everyday Italian shows came on – Breakfast. The one where she makes the Hazelnut Cinnamon Rolls, Mini Egg Frittatas, and Spiked Coffee drinks. I knew immediately that I wanted to make that meal on my vacay. I love from-scratch baked goods but don’t typically allow myself the time to make such treats decided, but what better way to kick off 2010 than with a delicious brunch!
Hubby and I searched TWO grocery stores for frozen white bread dough, but found none. I figured any white-bread style dough would do, so we picked up a box of Pillsbury Hot Roll mix.
First thing this morning, I got started on brunch. I knew it would take awhile to make what with the “let the bread rise” steps, so there wasn’t time to lounge around.
I used a combination of the box recipe and Giada’s Hazelnut Cinnamon Rolls recipe.
For the Cinnamon Rolls: Follow box directions for cinnamon rolls. To sugar mixture, add toasted, chopped hazelnuts (about 1/3 cup – 2/3 cup) and 1/4 tsp cloves. Instead of using warm margarine, I used melted Earth Balance, which I brushed over the dough before sprinkling the sugar mixture down. I also made a double-batch of Giada’s icing instead of the one on the box.
I wanted to have one cup of coffee and wanted that cup to be enjoyed with breakfast, so I sipped on organic yerba mate tea whilst working on the cinnamon rolls.
Hazelnuts! I had these stowed away in the freezer.
I cut the dough and placed the rolls in the baking dish. They rose for 30 minutes while I watched a DVRed Everyday Italian for more Eat in Month inspiration.
Soon enough, they were ready to be baked!
For the Mini Frittatas: While the cinnamon rolls baked, I got the mini egg frittatas ready. I used Giada’s Mini Frittatas recipe except I cut the recipe in half and used turkey instead of ham.
Fresh-grated parm.
parsley from my potted plant.
The eggs were a cinch – especially compared to those cinnamon rolls. I used turkey since we had it in the fridge.
While my frittatas cooked, I worked on the icing for the cinnamon rolls. I used Giada’s recipe but doubled the batch of icing since the rolls made twice as many as Giada’s version.
Before I knew it, the frittatas were done!
I drizzled the rolls with the icing and put the rolls in the off, but still warm oven to help the icing get nice and gooey.
And then, everything was ready!
Hubby and I were so excited to EAT!
Round #1 – I had 3 mini frittatas and a cinnamon roll with my coffee. As a side bonus, I read somewhere that some cultures consider it good luck to eat “round things” on New Year’s day…not sure if the cinnamon rolls count, but those frittatas DEFINITELY do! Here’s to good luck!
Yowsa – they were delish! What a great way to start the year – with delicious eats! I was in heaven!
All the work in the kitchen this morning must have made me ravenous because I went for a repeat of Round #1 with Round #2.
The roll was tender and the icing was nice and sweet. I’m glad we spent the extra money for the mascarpone – it was a wonderful treat! And the frittatas were pretty awesome. I’m definitely making those again. The fresh parsley really gave the eggs a nice pop of flavor.
I enjoyed my cinnamon rolls in true Diana-style. I like to my cinnamon rolls by peeling the ring apart and working my way to the middle.
Round and round we go!
This middle part is IMO the BEST part! The most tender and sugary and most icing-covered. Mmmmmmmmm
We let Bailey get in on the brunch celebration with a mini frittata.
I made him do some tricks before I gave him his New Year’s treat and BOY did he LOVE it! He was all giddy after eating it.
We have special plans for New Year’s Dinner, but more on that to come.
Are you eating anything special for New Year’s?
WOW! The cinnamon rolls looked delicious!!!!
That looks scrumptious! And your little pup is so cute.
Your cinnamon rolls look to die for! Nice work 🙂
My mouth watered looking at the photos!
Oh my goodness, those cinnamon rolls look like heaven! I always like to save the middle for last too, THE best part! mmm awww Bailey is so cute!
I also checked out Posie Gets Cozy and love it!
Wow!! What a great lookin breaky!!