Emergency Brownies

Man! This is the longest week already and its only MONDAY! Gah!

Needless to say, my Monday didn’t get off to the best start. I had a bit of a meltdown today and may or may not have spent a brief portion of the day in tears.





Enter emergency brownies.


Puppy-kisses (not on the lips…ew! lol) from this little guy don’t hurt either.

What are your emergency eats?

19 thoughts on “Emergency Brownies”

  1. Hope you are feeling better! I usually go for salty–chips or fries, but some frozen yogurt might do the trick(not the one in my freezer, more like Tuitti Fruiti or Pinkberry). 🙂 Today will be a better day!

  2. So sorry your week started off so badly! I hope it gets better!

    My emergency eats are donuts! Any kind, just something round with a hole and my problems are solved! Good thing I don’t have too many breakdowns because once I start it’s hard to stop!

    Don’t worry, the week is 1/3 over!

  3. I’m so sorry to hear that it was a rough Monday. Hope things get better!!! And, yes, kisses from such a cutie like Bailey can help.

    For me, when it’s stressful, I head to Starbucks. Chinzy I know but there’s something calming about a well made Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte 🙂


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