Not sure why I decided to do it, but I worked today. It was kind of weird to only work 1 day out of the whole week, but in some ways, it will ease the pain of returning to an extra-full inbox and to-do list.
I had trouble sleeping last night and woke up late-ish, so I rushed through eats today.
Just a fried egg and piece of my mom’s cinnamon bread. Are you surprised it’s not another rye bagel?? lol
I also busted out my first Christmas gift – a pretty mug my sister picked out for me. I love the tall shape. It’s actually the same size as my other mugs (content-wise).
I started to eat leftovers from yesterday’s road trip food, but then I thought…creamy sauce + 2+ hours in the car may not = good food. If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know it’s best to not mess with potentially spoiled food.
So, I turned to my pantry to see if there was anything left to eat and found some more TJ’s frozen breaded halibut and cabbage.
I broke into another Christmas gift today – Amanzi Secret Garden tea.
The leaves are very pretty.
The tea is nice, light, and floral.
I had more of mom’s bread because when you have mom’s bread in the house, it’s hard to resist.
I was surprised to see there’s still some snow left on the ground in our back yard. The snow is mostly melted around my area. How about you?
Bailey was pretty tired today. I took him on a brief walk but he spent most of the day…
Post work, I went to Zumba! Class was fun and I was glad to work out. I haven’t talked much about working out here lately and that’s because…I haven’t been doing it. I basically haven’t worked out in two weeks and I feel fine. Between all the delicious holiday eats (which I indulged in, but not till I made myself sick) and my lack of working out, I’ve probably gained a few pounds, but you know what…I don’t care. And, I wouldn’t really know. I can’t even remember the last time I weighed myself. I usually just go on how my clothes fit. I think having spent more than a few years of my life with a negative self-image and restrictive eating habits that I’ve reached my breaking point once and it was enough. My ultimate conclusion – Being “skinny” is not worth stressing about gaining a pound here or there or not enjoying delicious foods I love. Bring on the sweets, people. 🙂
Caitlin wrote a nice post along the same subject (click to view) – be sure to check out the comments.
I came home and whipped up a quick dinner. I pressed this tofu around lunch and then let it marinate all night. I baked the tofu in 1/2″ slabs at 400 degrees for roughly 20-25 minutes. It was a little softer than I wanted (I like a slightly crispy edge), but it still tasted good and the tender texture was actually quite pleasant. I also made quick sauteed zucchini and onion and brown rice. It was so good. I kind of want it again (and therefore will probably eat it for lunch tomorrow. lol)
After dinner, I headed out to meet friends at Yoforia. Katy was in town! Also at froyo – Nicole, Brittney, and Katy’s hubby.
It seems like it’s been forever since I’ve had froyo, most likely due to the cool temps. I really loved my bowl. I had original tart and taro froyo as my base. Toppings = pomegranate arils, kiwi, strawberries, pineapple, coconut, and mochi.
I’ve removed my shiny new dehydrator (a gift from my MIL) from the box and it’s washed and drying for a project tomorrow. Can’t wait!
I have tomorrow off. Yesssss!
On the agenda:
- Coffee
- New homemade almond butter
- Dehydrator project
- Breakfast
- Publish Eat in Month details
- Grocery Shopping
- Slow cooker chili
- Clean house
- Crochet
- Read
- Blog TCL 2010 Year in Review
- Blog TCL – Top 10 Recipes of 2010
- Prepare for NYE Party
Btw, I’m posting details about Eat in Month 2011 tomorrow! Get ready!
Ooh and I have a blog announcement posting the first week of January. 😉
Do you stress about holiday weight gain?
I’m the same as you! I’m not bothered about holiday weight gain at all! I don’t weigh myself either, so unless I gained A LOT of weight, I’d never know anyway! 😛
Looking forward to your upcoming posts! 🙂
no! I am the same way- its really nothing to fuss over..
on the other hand… i was at a fro-yo place the other day and had NO idea what mochi was, but it looks good. what is it?? what does it taste like? i was too afraid to try it!
Your mom’s cinny swirl bread looks just like what my grandma used to make…soo good looking!
And very wise to pass on the possibly spoiled food. Food poisoning is indeed hell on earth!
Love your attitude!!!! You rock girl. Happy New Year!
I stress about weight gain all the time simply because I am not that active and I am about 40 pounds overweight. You inspire me to try and eat a little better and also get active!
I would love to try zumba but I am scared that I am not coordinated enough and will look like a weirdo with my “off-rhythm” dancing!
Thanks for all you share here. I love it!
I am a Zumba fanatic and I want to encourage you to try it out! In my class, there is a wide variety of participants — skinny, muscular, overweight, coordinated, non-coordinated, young, old…you catch my drift 🙂
It is very intimidating to go to your first class (or first few classes) because you might feel like everyone is staring at you and that everyone except for you knows the moves. This is so NOT true, however…everyone is too busy looking at the instructor and worrying about how they look, and the only reason they know the moves is because they’ve been coming to class for a longer time than you. Put your worries aside and try it out! I have so many ladies in my class who don’t care about the moves, or they modify them to fit their needs. My instructors always say that it’s completely fine if we just want to ignore them and jump up and down…just as long as we keep moving 😀
Sorry for the long speech, but if you couldn’t already tell, I LOVE Zumba 😉
I do fret a little when comes to holiday weight gain. I’d be a lyer if I said I didn’t. But here’s the thing about weight gain, you can always loose it. You can’t replace memories, meals and treats spent with family. I’d rather have fun and indulge a little if that means a temporary weight gain, so be it.
Omg I can’t wait to see your dehydrator project! I got one last year and have not used it once. I am making my grocery list right now to include foods for dehydrating this weekend. I can’t wait to see what you choose. I am so excited about this 🙂
Your mug is so cute! And I have that same dehydrator… two words… KALE CHIPS! 🙂 Happy new year!!
I think that’s a great attitude to have about holiday weight gain. In the scheme of things, a couple pounds really don’t matter. Can’t wait to see what you make with your dehydrator!!