EIM Eats
We’re enjoying a relaxing weekend with my family, which means lots of down time with lots of good food, too.
We had eggs, biscuits/rolls, bacon and my fave – my dad’s potatoes.
Do you make your dog sit away from you when you eat? We do. We usually make him go on his bed, but when he’s at my parent’s house, we just make him sit away. I definitely had to give him the “I’m watching you” sign a la Meet the Parents. I think he knows what it means, too.
Sis and I wanted to spend some QT with my mom for her birthday, but she didn’t really want to do anything except hang out around the house. It’s been forever since I had the chance to just veg-out, so today, with nothing to do, we ended up watching TV. We got caught on the Investigation Discovery channel. Man, that channel really sucks you in…just like Lifetime! lol
We heated up leftovers from last night for a quick lunch with some fresh-cooked veggies.
For dinner, we had dad’s chicken noodle casserole with steamed broccoli & carrots, and a biscuit.
Menu Planning
I will be the first to say that I suck at menu planning. I think it’s because I’m always so busy running around, that I find it hard to sit still long enough to think through the week and actually plan something out. I also find that I like to decide on dinners based on what I feel like eating that day. I know – excuses, excuses.
Anywho, I think menu planning can be very effective for not only Eat in Month, but every day living. I keep meaning to start doing it, but I usually only make it a week or two before falling back to my slacker ways. So, since I can’t offer any advice on meal planning, I turned to one of my favorite resources – you guys!
I asked for your personal and recommended sites and blogs (via my Facebook wall and yesterday’s post) for meal planning and here are some you shared:
- Jackie of That Deep Breath posted a link to her Menu Planning category on her blog
- Emily at Relishments posted her tips on menu planning
- Athena shared I’m an Organizing Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday
- And Nicole mentioned finding good inspiration on Pinterest (PS click here to see my Pinterest profile and click here to go straight to my “Entree Chic” board )
- And lastly, I found a cool resource by Real Simple – a PDF you can print and use for menu planning (click here to view) along with a couple quick tips
Do you have any more meal planning sites/blog posts to add? If you’re a reader without a blog, you can just share your meal plans and/or tips in a comment if you want (here or on my Facebook wall). 🙂
just catching up from the weekend, but you can find my menu plans on my blog here: http://thepajamachef.com/category/menu-plans/.
Thanks for sharing my link Diana! I’m going to check the others out too…I’m working on my plan for this coming week!
Came by via a few PF blogs and saw that you had a tri-colored corgi. Immediately I had to post a hello. 🙂
That is a delicious day of food….especially breakfast! I think I could eat breakfast all day long if I let myself.
Since I live alone, I tend to get lazy with my dinners. Lately I have tried to be better at having a proper dinner, though still a couple times a week, all I want is eggs and toast or a sandwich, and I think that’s OK too. I don’t need a meal every night. I find what works best for me lately is making batches of stuff that freezes well. I recently stocked my freezer with individual portions of chili, chana masala, and tuna casseroles in disposable freezer foil containers. That way when I feel like a proper meal, I can easily take something out the day before. I’m always poring through my America’s Test Kitchen magazines (the best recipes!) and Everyday Food magazines for good recipes that freeze well now.
This is exactly what I am struggling with – menu planning! One of my goals is to really think about what I am eating and when and menu planning it essential, but I am terrible at it! Thanks for the links and the insights!