If going out in the middle of Winter Storm Jonas was an adventure, then going out the day after wasn’t much of a challenge. By the next day, things were already starting to return to normal. Though there were the biggest piles of snow I’ve seen piled up all around. I met a friend for lunch, and we did some exploring in West Village NYC. Here are some pictures of West Village Post Jonas.
Cars were back on the roads, though the streets were still not quite as busy as usual.
It was interesting to see where everyone was walking around. Many of the sidewalks were difficult to walk down. The slush was everywhere and pretty slippery. And this was the “pretty” slush. In a few days, it would turn into an interesting concoction of old snow, street dirt, and whatever else was floating around. Needless to say, I was thankful for my winter boots. They kept my feet warm, dry, and clean.
Many of the cars in the street were still quite covered in thick blankets of white snow. I felt lucky I didn’t have a car to dig out.
I was geared up for winter. By the way, since many of you have been asking about what I got to survive the NYC winter, I’ll be sharing a post on my recommendations soon. Stay tuned for details!
My friend realized were really close to Carrie Bradshaw’s home from Sex in the City. Naturally, we had to walk by to take a look.
According to a quick Google search. They actually used two different side by side apartments, so I snapped photos of both.
I actually wasn’t super into SATC when it came out. Mostly because I couldn’t afford HBO. I was in college and more interested in buying food. I love watching the reruns now. I still have good intentions to do a big SATC marathon. Ahh…one day.
I have photos from lunch at Westville and also a Sex and the City West Village sweet treat to share with you soon! Be sure to check out my Jonas Blizzard photos if you haven’t seen those yet.
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