My dad has been getting on me for years about taking my vitamins. Since I’m still in recovery from a recent injury, I figured this may be a good time to start. This will be my vitamin regimen for general wellness, but I’m hoping a side benefit is that this helps move my healing along.
Please note: I’m not a doctor, nutritionist, RD, etc. Please don’t take this as medical advice. Be sure to consult your health care provider before making any changes to your diet and/or starting new supplements.
My friend recently told me that they’re saying in California that vitamins cause cancer. I find the conflicting information out there really confusing. Many sources say they’re good. Many say they’re bad. It’s hard to know who to trust, but I think I’ll take my chances.
My Vitamin Regimen
- Brand: NewChapter
- Type: Every woman’s one daily multi
- Frequency: Daily
- Quantity: 48 tablets
- Price: $30.99 (Whole Foods had a $5 off coupon!)
- About: Can be taken on an empty stomach – whole food cultured – non-GMO Project verified – ICS Certified Organic (which the girl at Whole Foods explained is a tougher certification to meet than some that are US-based) – includes immune & stress support
- Brand: Whole Foods
- Type: 200 mg
- Frequency: Daily
- Quantity: 60
- Price: $29.99
- About: Dad said he read people in countries where this is consumed have long lifespans – Dr. Weil says CoQ10 is beneficial for heart health, among other things
Vitamin D3
- Brand: Bluebonnet
- Type: 5000 IU*
- Frequency: every other day
- Quantity: 60
- Price: $9.49
- About: In general terms, low vitamin D levels can cause fatigue, sadness, and chronic pain among other symptoms, which you can read about on Dr. Axe here – also, I tested low for vitamin D somewhat recently
*My dad warned me that too much vitamin D can be toxic, so I plan to get my blood tested to ensure my levels aren’t too high.
Probiotic #1
- Brand: MegaFood
- Type: MegaFlora (20 billion CFU probiotic supplement)
- Frequency: every other day
- Quantity: 90
- Price: $42.99
- About: non-GMO in addition to the benefits listed for probiotic #2
Probiotic #2
- Brand: Jarrow Formulas
- Type: Sacchoaromyces Boulardii +MOS
- Frequency: every other day
- Quantity: 90
- Price: $20.99
- About: probiotics are said to help with immunity and cold/flu, digestive health, and ease anxiety and depression in addition to other benefits you can read about on this article by Berkeley Wellness (University of California)
Dad said the lady he spoke to at his local health food store recommended these two probiotics, which are the ones he’s taking too.
Where to Buy Vitamins
Since I prefer whole-food based vitamins that are as natural as possible, I decided to get them all at Whole Foods. They have a pretty big selection, and the staff was really helpful in making suggestions on which multi-vitamin to take. While only the multi-vitamin is whole-foods-based, I appreciate the level of quality of the products offered at Whole Foods.
What are your must-have vitamins?