My yoga instructor, Courtney, shared an amazing quote on her Instagram a few days ago that was the perfect thing I needed to see that day. Maybe you could use it too?
The comeback is always stronger than the setback
You may have seen on my Instagram that I’m a little injured at the moment. Nothing major thankfully but enough to keep me from enjoying my favorite dance (and other) classes. And I’ve missed out on skating at the beautiful outdoor rinks in NYC. Again! Instead, I get to enjoy physical therapy twice a week. Womp womp. I’m missing my dance classes terribly but working hard to maintain a positive attitude. This is temporary, and I’ll be back in dance classes before I know it. In the grand scheme of things, this is such a tiny blip of time.
If you’re going through a setback of your own, it’s helped me to focus on the comeback. And maybe putting your thoughts looking forward will help you too? We’ll get there. And it’s going to be beautiful!
7 Comeback Quotes You Can Wear or Keep Close
If you’re anything like me, when a message really resonates with you, you want to see it everywhere.
Luckily for you, I found some great versions of this comeback quote on Etsy that you can wear, carry around with you, or hang in your home so you can see this message on the regular.
Here are 7 great versions of this comeback quote on Etsy (photos are by the respective owners):
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I should have printed this beautiful, floral printable and hung it in my home so I could look at it every day. Maybe just by the door so I could see it when I came in and out.
For a message you can focus on throughout the day, you can keep the comeback quote close by wearing this comeback bracelet. A quick glance at your wrist will give you motivation.
If you don’t like jewelry, you can keep the message close by putting your keys on this comeback keychain.
It’s no secret I love inspirational mugs. This is so I can start my day on a positive note (since I have coffee every morning). You can do the same with this cute comeback mug.
You can display this inspirational message in your home with this comeback print – also available in a physical box frame if you don’t want to print this yourself.
You can also put your message on display as you walk around to spread the word and inspire others with this comeback tank top.
And here’s one more display option with this comeback wooden sign.
Happy shopping!
My Comeback & Tips to Help Yours
Read about how a vision board helped me with my comeback
Update 2018: I’m better! And back to doing handstands – look! Woop!
See my other favorite motivational quotes and posts here