Hey guys! There’s a lot happening behind the scenes that has kept me from blogging as much as I’d like. But hey, that just means fun stuff ahead, right? One of the things that is taking a lot of my time is the Plant-Based Nutrition Course I’m taking through eCornell. It’s with T. Colin Campbell and his son (who wrote The China Study) in addition to other top-notch instructors. It’s really interesting, but there’s so much coursework! It’s only 6 weeks long, but it will go over 6 of the most busy weeks of my life. Can’t wait to share more. There are some fun trips ahead, and you know I’ll be vlogging about it. One is this weekend! Anywho, on to the video…
*VIDEO* Wedding Themed Plan with Me
Click here to watch the video if the above player doesn’t work.
One of my best friends, Dana (who had the hen party!), got married in North Carolina, and I had the honor of being a co-maid of honor. I thought it would be fun to do the week in a theme to celebrate her wedding. First, I chose washi tape that was as close to her wedding colors as possible. And then I added some stickers and gold writing here and there.
My friend Dana is actually visiting in NYC. She’s sitting on the couch across from me while I’m typing, in fact. It was cool to be able to show her the planner spread in person. She had no idea I was doing it. Lol!
Check out the video description box for links to the supplies I used.
In the Erin Condren giveaway entries, you guys asked for more Plan with Me videos, so definitely look for more of those ahead. These are fun to make. You’ve also asked about bullet journals, so I’ve been looking into these and will share more soon.
More Planner Fun
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As always, thank you so much for reading and watching! See you next time!