De-Cluttering the Junk…err…Craft Room
So embarrassing to share this with you (and I think I even may have before), but my craft room is a bit of a disaster. Exhibit A – Junk Craft Room Some days, I don’t even know how this room…
So embarrassing to share this with you (and I think I even may have before), but my craft room is a bit of a disaster. Exhibit A – Junk Craft Room Some days, I don’t even know how this room…
Random title, but it sums things up niceley. I fiiiiiinally remembered to pick up some honey when I went to the store today on my lunch break. It will be so nice to be able to add honey to my…
Well, the organization process is coming along slowly, but surely. Today, I tackled a project I’ve been wanting to do for awhile – our pantry. See, our apartment pantry is tee-niny. I’ve been holding on to the belief that we’d…
I’ve spent most of today just working on those darned thank you cards. They are taking considerably longer than I originally anticipated, which is fine, because least they are getting done. I’m feeling a little bit accomplished, but I know…
It took a few hours, but I finally completed my filing system for 2009. I learned this file system technique from my parents, though I’m sure it’s quite common. I created hanging folders for my various categories, i.e. “Arts/Crafts Shows”…
Good news, guys! I finished cleaning/organizing the living room today! I tackled the easiest room first, figuring that it would be a good moral boost to see something complete, and it was! I feel better already. I started by picking…