Best & Worst Foods to Eat

Fabulously Broke in the City shared another fabulous article with me by Lifehacker: Avoid the Worst Foods in America, 2009 Edition.  The post points out 4 of the worst foods you can eat at restaurants and they are bad, indeed.


While I found the article interesting, what I was most curious about was the article linked at the end of the post.  The link went to a NY Times Health article: The 11 Best Foods You Aren't Eating.  The list surprised me a little bit and as the title proclaimed, I don't really eat these foods.  I went on a cabbage spree awhile back, love frozen blueberries, and even have pumpkin seeds and canned pumpkin in my pantry right this very second for an Ellie Krieger recipe I've been wanting to make.  Perhaps I'll go ahead and make those tomorrow?  Perhaps I should try to plan some meals with these ingredients more often, too?

Do you eat any of the foods listed in the article?

5 thoughts on “Best & Worst Foods to Eat”

  1. I like all these foods but in all honesty eat very few of them on any kind of a regular basis. I do buy cabbage to use in soups. I actually did a post on it a while back as a "survival food". Did you know that it lasts in your fridge for months? If it grows mouldy you can scrape it off and keep the rest, kind of like cheese. Seriously. To keep it, just cover the open part with saran.

    Next summer I'm going to buy blueberries when they are at a good price and then freeze em!

  2. there are a lot of things on that list of what to eat that I dont.. I do the pumpkin, cinnamon, blueberries and well… plums on occasion but the rest I will have to look into recipes.. Id love to hear what you come up with!

  3. Woo hoo! Link love!

    Actually, it's too difficult to always remember to eat ALL of the good foods every week.

    Sometimes, I think we can take it overboard and it's not a good thing. However, if we avoid the junk food and high fat, high salt and high sugar, we're good.

    Then once in a while, we can eat blueberries and whatnot but there's no need to eat it every day just because they say it's good 🙂

    P.S… tomatoes are my new favourite veggie

    Fabulously Broke in the City
    "Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver."


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