SCBR Week 9 Changes

I’ve been so distracted lately, I haven’t been following SCBR quite as closely as I’d like so let’s hope this week goes smoother so I can!

Changes for Week 9:

  • Eat fish at least twice
  • Try some more challenging strength-training moves
  • Plan some special time with your partner or family

Looks like another great week of Ellie’s Small Changes, Big Results! 🙂

1 thought on “SCBR Week 9 Changes”

  1. Yay! A Bailey picture! It's been a long time since you posted a Bailey picture – he's sooo adorable!!

    I had my first visit at Trader Joe's! Finally found one about 45 minutes from my house. It was a small one but their prices are definitely cheaper than Whole Foods. A nifty little store if I must say so!


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