Fueling Up for an All-Day Workout

I have zumba instructor training in less than an hour and will participating in a 1 1/2 hour workout class followed by 4 1/2 hours of workshop and choreography.

When I was a kid, I didn’t like to eat breakfast. My mom would tell me, “Honey, your body is like a car, and if you don’t eat breakfast, you won’t have any fuel to run on and won’t have any energy.” Being a kid (and later teenager), I of course listened to her intently. Did you believe that? Neither did I. I didn’t listen to my mom and her brilliant advice back then because I “knew better.” Instead, I’d roll my eyes at her and still skip meals.

Nowadays, I know better, so I really wanted to fuel up for my all-day workout, so I made some oatmeal.


I’m terrified of eating spoiled foods, but figured this overly brown banana would be ok since my mom also saved the “old” bananas for banana bread. I only used about 1/3 for my oats.


I normally like to slice my bananas into my oats, but this guy was so soft, I had no choice but to mash it all up into the oats. I used about 1/4 cup of oats.


On top, I added some sliced almonds, ground blueberry flax seed, and a drizzle of vanilla maple syrup.


All-together with my assortment of beverages.


First up, we had water – to hydrate pre-workout.


Next up, OJ. I remember when I was in figure skating camp, they told us that OJ was good for nutrition, but only a little because that was all you needed to get the nutrition and after some point, you were just drinking extra sugar. That seems to make sense still, plus, I read an article (click) awhile back saying OJ and oatmeal went well together and actually helped increase the nutritional value in each other.


Lastly, coffee. Ok, this probably doesn’t help you pre-workout, but it is a morning must for me.


I also had a candle going…just for fun.

I didn’t quite finish all my oatmeal, but I did well with the beverages. Gotta get ready now…here we go!

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