Talk to You Later Gaby! Happy Voyage!

As I mentioned this weekend, one of my good friends Gaby is leaving the country to pursue graduate studies. While I’m absolutely thrilled for her, I am also going to miss her so much!


Gaby was one of the zumba instructors whose Monday class I always made (until my injury, of course). She and I have been taking zumba classes with the same instructor for the last 2 1/2 years but we didn’t know each other recently because did different class locations.


(This one’s for you Katherine!)

I was so bummed that I would miss Gaby’s last time teaching class before leaving for school that I decided to go to class even though I couldn’t (well, “shouldn’t”) dance. However, my other zumba friend Megan told me about how one of the other instructors with a hurt foot did “Sit and Be Fit” while she couldn’t dance on her foot. “Sit and Be Fit” is doing zumba class while sitting in a chair.

Though I’m sure I looked like a complete idiot, I decided to do “Sit and Be Fit” for Gaby’s last class so I could still participate because that was really important for me. Hey, I got a good arm workout in, too!


Gaby and I were color opposites on Monday…haha…zumba clothes are SO BRIGHT!


Yea…we were pretty bright all over on Monday…lol.


After class, we headed over to our fave post-zumba eats spot for sushi.


We got a special treat to celebrate Gaby’s birthday.


Tempura ice cream for the b-day girl!

Dinner was fab – great food + even better company makes for an awesome combination!

There were lots of hugs and some tears, but I’m sure we’ll all see Gaby again. We’ve promised to visit her in Europe, so hopefully we can make that trip sooner than later.

A good friend of mine once said, “‘Goodbye‘ is forever, but ‘later‘ means I’ll see you again.”

So, Gaby, best of luck to you and I’ll talk to you later!

4 thoughts on “Talk to You Later Gaby! Happy Voyage!”

  1. I love Zumba! When I first started exercising in May '08 to lose my weight, it was Zumba that got me hooked on getting back the gym! I swear I told EVERYONE who was willing to listen about it! LOL

    You guys looks great in your gear and dinner looked like a lot of fun!

  2. She looks a like a fun friend to have around ~ I hope you get a good teacher to replace her. The zumba clothes sure are bright! I guess on my first class I'll look like a misfit in my black and red work out clothes… I was figuring I'd hold back on getting anything else until I worked out if I liked it enough.

  3. Aw how nice! Looks like you all had a great time. I really want to take zumba classes someday – wish they would have some near me!


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