Thanks everyone for the well-wishing yesterday. And thanks to Abby for being my 100th Facebook Fan!!! 🙂
I woke up feeling a bit better today, but still didn’t manage to stomach much. Thusly, my eats are pretty boring again today. Sorry!
The idea of coffee hasn’t exactly been at the forefront of my mind, so I went for an old-school classic (b/c I used to eat this all the time when I was in high school): Tea and Toast.
I figured a good piece of bread would give me some nutrition. Almond butter didn’t seem like a good topping idea b/c I wasn’t sure how my body would digest it. I figured a simple jelly may be easier, but it was a bit too sweet. Maybe I should have gone with butter?
I added some chia seeds on top for an extra nutrition boost.
For my tea, I went with mate yerba. It’s good for you and has some caffeine.
A little later I snacked on some organic Saltines.
Later, I had some Tulsi tea in India Breakfast with some…
Campbell’s chicken broth. This is my favorite thing to eat when my stomach can’t really handle a lot of food.
I heard bananas were good for you when you’re sick (I seem to remember my mom encouraging me to eat lots of these from past sick-y experiences), so I went for one this afternoon. It seemed to go down ok.
Although I haven’t been able to dig into anything, the mail man has been good to me lately. First the Galaxy Granola delivery and then…
A package from Stonyfield!
Inside – two samples each of their latest flavors – Caramel and Chocolate. Yum yum! I thought it was so cute they were wrapped like little candies or desserts. It goes along with their whole healthy indulgence theme and you guys know I’m all about a healthy indulgence.
I also got a special delivery from Nicobella. Nicobella specializes in vegan organic dark chocolate truffles. Umm…yes please! I’m so excited to try these treats! I love their unique flavor combinations. But more on them when I do a full review! As soon as I can eat again, of course.
Mr. Bailey’s been a concerned little corgi. He’s been cuddling up to me close the last couple days trying to make me feel better. He’s such a sweet heart!
For dinner I made chicken and rice soup. It’s boring, but pretty easy to eat. I also flipped through my Clean Food book for some inspiration for when I’m ready to start eating real food again. I’ve picked out a couple recipes from the spring section I’m curious to try.
Emergen-C in Acai Berry to try to get some Electrolytes.
Sorry about not posting the Fitness challenge today…I hope to get the post up tomorrow!
I’ve missed doing my year-ago-today posts, so here are 2 from the 31st of March: a Ravenous dinner in Healdsburg, CA and desserts in the cutest place in San Francisco.
Gotta run, hubby and I are going to try to get caught up on our Flash Forwards! 🙂
I hope you get well soon!!! All of your goodies you got in the mail look delicious!
Sorry you’re sick, feel better soon!
Looks like you got some deliveries to make your day better.
Boo I hate you are sick!
P.S. I’m super jealous of your truffles! 🙂
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you’re feeling better! That was quite the delivery from Mr. Postman yesterday – awesome!
AHHHH! Thanks so much for the shout out! Just made my week! I hope you feel better soon! (And I’m going to check out that clean eats book) Have a great weekend!
You’re very welcome Abby! 🙂
That book rocks! I hope you like it!
Cute cups! I also love how they made the yogurt look like cupcakes! Mmm that chocolate looks yummy.
Glad you’re on your way to recovery!
I’m jealous of all your yummy freebies!
I think corgis are so cute, and I always love your pictures of Bailey. 🙂
I’m jealous,I wish we had Oikos in Canada 🙁 Chocolate and caramel… yumm!!
Hope you’re feeling better.
Hello! Hope you’re all better soon! Just curious; how do you get all the yummy foods in the mail to try?
Sometimes people offer to send them and sometimes I email the company and request samples. 🙂