So…about that baking project I was talking about earlier…
Last weekend, at my family’s house, I spotted a recipe on their desk for zucchini bread. It sounded fabulous and my parents had plenty of zucchini in their garden. They gave me 2 large zucchini to take home and make bread the next weekend.
I got to try my food processors cutting blades for the first time. I definitely had to pull out my instruction manual (thank goodness I put all of those in a single shoebox so it was easy to find) for the project.
So yea…this photo from the last post – this is shredded zucchini!
One of my twitter friends suggested I check out the Cooking Light recipe, so I went for that one (after seeing good reviews online). There were a couple different versions online but I ended up using this zucchini bread recipe by Cooking Light (click).
- 2 eggs for the egg substitute
- 1 cup oat flour
- 2 cups white-wheat flour
- extra walnuts
- plus walnuts sprinkled on top
*Update 8/14/11 – I just made an adapted version of this recipe called Healthy {Oatlicious} Zucchini Bread/Muffins with details for making muffins and/or bread – click here for the recipe – it’s a goodie!*
And I made one loaf of zucchini bread and 10 muffins.
Everything smelled fabulous baking up and looked so pretty when it was all done! 🙂
I had to dig into one for an afternoon snack.
Check out the difference the background makes to my photos:
Which one do you like best?
I did a play on my Shrimp Gumb-ole for dinner Sunday night.
I also dug into my purple okra (organic), which I picked up from the market Saturday.
Isn’t it neat looking?! It’s bright purple on the outside and white-green on the inside.
The shrimp were from the market too!
Everything was totally delicious served over brown rice.
I split that mini cake, from our World Cup party, with hubby for tonight’s dessert.
Post dinner it was clean up and chillax time.
I cleaned and air-dried the majority of the organic blueberries I got from the market on Saturday. I’m going to be so sad when blueberry season is over, but buying extra and freezing for later seems like a great way preserve some of my summer berries.
Berries were pretty much dry about 30 minutes ago so they’re now freezing away. Wheee!
Can’t wait to dig into my zucchini bread for breakfast tomorrow. Don’t you just love having a breakfast to look forward to?
This time next week I’ll be at the lake on a mini vacay! Yippee!
What do you like to do when you go on a lake vacation? Or if you don’t do lakes, what about one of those vacations where you’re mostly hanging out at a vacation home (not playing tourist sight-seeing etc)?
I’m making a list of things I want to do but never seem to have time to do:
- Read books
- Paint my nails
- Work on a puzzle
- Cook (something that takes a nice, long time to prepare)
- Bake (something that takes a nice, long time to prepare)
- Craft – knit/crochet, make jewelry, etc.
- Be Lazy
- more to come…
Oh man, your zucchini bread looks delicious. I need to make some this summer. I’m definitely going to copy you with the muffin idea.
I like reading magazines and eating out on vacations.
i like eating out too…but i think for this vacay we’re going to be eating in the whole time.
love being lazy over magazines though 🙂
Zucchini bread is my all time favorite bread!
I take my crochet or knitting along with me. And my journal – a must have!
i love taking a good yarn project – esp in the cold weather months! 🙂
oh my goodness, i am drooling over the zucchini muffins and the okra dish! i have been craving okra for the longest time…i think i’m going to try what you made 🙂 yum!
hope you like the recipe! 🙂
wow, that bread sounds heavenly!
AHH!! You people and your food processors. I’m so jealous 🙂
These muffins look awesome–I’ve been in a total mini muffin phase lately.
You should try Cooking lights banana bread recipe, it’s so good.
based on my success with this one, i would love to! though my spelt banana bread recipe is pretty kick-a$$. 🙂
I love love love zucchini bread! You have inspired me to make a batch sometime soon!
Mmm, zucchini bread…yes please!
Enjoy your lake-ation! I always bring loads of women’s magazines, a few good novels, and a stack of sudoku and crossword puzzles! It’s so nice to just laze around 🙂
crossword puzzles! that’s a good one i have been forgetting lately! 🙂
Music! Don’t forget to bring some good tunes to relax to 🙂
That zucchini bread looks good. I’ve made the one from the Enchanted Broccoli Forest cookbook by Mollie Katzen and it was also quite good. That whole cookbook is actually pretty darn good if you’re ever looking for a good vegetarian one.
I like to do face masks, exfoliate, put on lotion, etc.
I never seem to take the time to do those things every day.
Take naps!
Play video games…It always seems there is something more important to do.