Happy weekend friends!
I hope you guys liked my portable breakfast series from last week. In case you missed any, here are links to breakfasts-on-the-go from:
- Day 1 – Nut Butter Toast
- Day 2 – Smoothie
- Day 3 – Sip and Chew Oatmeal
- Day 4 – Re-Baked Muffin
- Day 5 – Breakfast Burrito
But remember, only eat on-the-go when it’s safe!
On to Saturday…
I have wonderful new breakfast idea to share with you guys, but first…hubby’s breakfast…
Hubby had a road trip Saturday morning with some buddies and was inspired by last week’s portable breakfast series.
So, he and I whipped up three breakfast burritos for he and his 2 friends to enjoy on their car ride.
This time, I microwaved some black beans with cumin, paprika, and chili powder…plus salt and pepper.
Hubby reported later that he and his friends really enjoyed the breakfast burritos. Hopefully, they were better than road food would have been.
On to my breakfast creation.
I’ve been thinking a lot about those quinoa bowls from Cafe Gratitude, and I decided to do a twist on them for breakfast.
I still used kale. I actually used kale from my garden. 🙂 I plucked 3 fresh leaves this morning.
Instead of serving them raw, I decided to steam them because I prefer hot foods over cold foods.
I made a quick tahini sauce.
And I decided to use some of the leftover black beans from hubby’s breakfast.
So I had multiple layers of deliciousness going on with today’s breakfast quinoa bowl:
- Steamed kale
- Quinoa (which I mixed up with some of the tahini sauce)
- Seasoned black beans
- Fried egg
- Tahini sauce
I’ll share the recipe later, but expect more of these. You guys will have to try one soon! They’re definitely a great way to switch up your regular breakfast routine. Nom!!!!
Btw, lookie what I found at Crate and Barrel! Chic-colored spoons! Turquoise…my fave! I actually had to call the store earlier this week to hold them, but couldn’t make it to the store till Friday after work, thanks to my hectic work-zumba schedule. They were worth the wait…and the grueling 30 minutes of rush-hour traffic I drove through to get them. Ahhhh! Can’t wait to use them!
Today I had a fun walking date with Caitlin and Nicole. The weather was absolutely perfect for it, too!
We first hit up Great Harvest (by foot) to get our weekly bread dose in the form of Dakota. Plus we each got something sweet. We basically made up our own order by asking for the “pumpkin crolls”. We thought they were a new name for cinnamon rolls (you know…like scuffins…scone + muffin?), but they actually were just trying to shorten the word “cinnamon roll” and forgot the dash. Whoops! 😆
Nevertheless, we each got our pumpkin cinnamon rolls and headed to Starbucks for holiday lattes. I got a gingerbread latte to go with my pumpkin cinnamon roll.
James + Caitlin
After a quick trip to the grocery store, I was home to cook dinner.
I made my first sea bass, plus steamed broccoli and a quinoa pilaf using the leftover quinoa from this morning’s breakfast bowl. I did a simple dressing and added pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds for texture. Plus parsley for color and taste. I’ll definitely be drafting the breakfast bowl recipe, but let me know if you want the quinoa side, too, and I’ll make it happen. 😉
Oh, and you’ll never guess what I had in the oven tonight…
…new dough ball flavors! I have two more in the works! I had one fail-batch and one success-batch. Yay! WIll be sharing dets tomorrow.
Ooh, and I got something fun to organize my pantry. I’ll blog all about it tomorrow.
Do you prepare breakfast for road trips? Or eat before? Or just eat out?
Your kale is beautiful. I’m so jealous you have it growing in your garden.
I had fun walking today!
oh my those cinnamon rolls!!!!!!!!!! i sure hope you enjoyed that!! i love how you grow your own kale.. thats awesome!
Walking with friends… one of life’s simple pleasures. 🙂 And Great Harvest of course – love that place!
Okay, that ‘pumpkin croll’ looks great!
For road trips, I used to not bring anything and eat junk food along the way. Nowadays, I pack whole fruit and energy bars, and if I splurge it’s on a gigantic iced coffee from Starbucks 🙂
I hear ya! And it’s nice that there are so many Starbucks near highways now and that they’re starting to add their names to the “foods at this exit” signs.
Love the Spoons. Crate and Barrel and I are breaking up because I could not find anything I needed in there yesterday. 😀
I like to eat out while on road trips, it’s part of the experience.
P.S. You’re on fire with the kitchen projects lately! 🙂
I definitely prepare breakfast before I hit the road because I love egg mixes in the morning and hate to pay for breakfast on the road and eat crummy food. 🙂
Exactly – why spend more money on crappy food out when you could make something so much better at home?! 🙂