Neons for days, loud music, and almost 500 people in workout gear…must be a Zumba dance-cation!
This weekend I hit the road with 3 fellow Zumba instructors from Charlotte for the Gina & Tanya Rock the Stage Tour in Richmond, VA.
For my non-Zumba readers, Gina and Tanya are two of the most famous Zumba instructors ever. Ever! They are Zumba celebrities and just amazing to see live. They’re basically what I aspire to be as a Zumba instructor.
We had about 5 1/2 sunny hours on the road before hitting Richmond.
{the view from our hotel}
We checked into the hotel, changed, and headed out for a night of Zumba-licious fun.
I got a new Zumba bracelet at check-in! One can never really have too many Zumba bracelets.
We gathered with about 450 other Gina and Tanya fans (Zumba instructors and participants) for the show. We got there about an hour early, along with everyone else, and we all gathered in a gym with an empty stage and booming music. Impromptu dancing broke out as various people recognized songs they did in their classes. And when the Wobble came on, well…almost the entire room got up for that one.
The room was hot-hot-hot! The weather has been really warm lately, and the gym was reflecting that. But the room was about to get even hotter…
Just before 8pm, Gina and Tanya took the stage and rocked out for the next hour and a half. Imagine the biggest, most fun, most energy-packed Zumba class you’ve ever seen – that’s what it was like! They pulled random people from the audience to join Gina and Tanya on stage. No one from our group was picked, but hey…there’s always next time! 😉
Their class was everything I expected and more. We had so much fun!
{Here’s a video I found online to give you a peek of what it was like}
Reader question: What’s the farthest you’ve ever traveled for a concert or event?
Hey, you posted the video for the Gin & Tonic Tour stop I went to in Houston! At the time, though, I was battling a sinus infection, so I enjoyed their master class the best I could through dulled senses. lol Even then, they rocked! You can see a still of our group at the 1:57 mark – I’m the one in the neon green get-up on the far right. And yes, multiple neons in an outfit CAN work! 🙂
Oh how fun!? 🙂 Small world, Sarah!