One of the reasons I chose Louisa’s Porch for our Asheville stay was the food. I’d read great reviews on the food on TripAdvisor, and I loved how the B&B mentioned on their site that they strive to use local ingredients. When the season is right, they even use ingredients from their own garden.
The breakfasts we experienced didn’t disappoint. They were wonderful!
We were greeted with a tasty mix of fresh fruit (apples, bananas, and mixed berries) with a dollop of yogurt on top.
Bob, who runs the B&B, had breakfast with us and kept our coffee cups full.
Harper was our chef on the first morning, and she whipped up an impressive spread – herb-scrambled eggs, turkey-chicken Italian sausage, and homemade coffee cake.
I stuffed my face and then took another bite…and another. It was too good to not try eating more.
After letting breakfast digest for a bit, I walked on over to Dobra Tea for something a little on the warm side.
I got one of my faves from our last trip – the Tulsi Chai – hot, sweet, spiced, and delicious.
I spent a little time reading another book I’d brought along for the trip – Start with Why.
I decided to take some Dobra tea home with me.
I got 2 ounces of their Lullaby blend. I love bed time teas, and if I can find one that really helps relax and get ready for bed, I’m totally sold. I haven’t had the chance to try this one yet, but I’m hopeful.
And here’s a random photo of some artwork under one of the highway overpasses near downtown. You should see the rest of the paintings. They’re vibrant and have textured pieces of (what looks like) glass incorporated. I love the art scene in Asheville. One of these days, we’ll spend some time looking for some art to put up in our house. Our walls are bare, but I’m thinking Asheville would be a great place to find some artwork.
Reader question: Are you a hotel or B&B type of person?
i love both hotels and b&bs…depends what i’m in the mood for, the occasion, etc. b&’s have so much charm, but with groups or family trips hotels are usually more convenient.
Ah good point on the group outings! Though, the last B&B we stayed at, we were able to fit our whole family in the cottage, so we had our own private mini B&B. So fun! 🙂
Mostly I’d say I’m a b&b person (ESP because they tend to be more dog friendly and a vacation with the poodle is so much better than one without) but lately I’ve been an airbnb person because its so easy to book from the app.
I’ve heard good things about Airbnb. Will have to check that out one day!