Seeing Repeating Numbers (1111, 555, 333)? What Angel Numbers Mean

Are you seeing repeating numbers EVERYWHERE?! These are a GOOD sign. Multiples of the same number in sequential order are called “angel numbers“. Let’s learn more about what these angel numbers mean and how you can use them to improve your life.

Seeing repeating numbers EVERYWHERE?! Click to learn what they mean in terms of getting into alignment and manifesting your dreams! #lawofattraction #loa #manifestation #manifest #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #woowoo #changeyourlife #goodvibes #successhabits #highvibes #spirituality #theuniverse

*VIDEO* Angel Numbers Explained (Practical Meets Woo)

Click here to watch this angel numbers video if the above player doesn’t work.

What Are Angel Numbers?

Repeating numbers in a sequential order / pattern are known as “angel numbers”. As long as there is more than one, it counts.

Examples: 1111, 111, 22, 55555, 333, 7777777777…you get it.

What Do Angel Numbers Mean?

What do angel numbers mean? Click to learn what seeing repeating numbers mean, how the Universe is sending you signs, and how to use them to improve your life! #lawofattraction #loa #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #woowoo #changeyourlife  #mindset #goodvibes #habits #successhabits #highvibes #spirituality #theuniverse

My approach to understanding the spiritual world is a mix of practical-meets-woo. Let’s discuss from that POV.

Woo Explanation

Some say that angel numbers are your angel’s way of trying to communicate with you. I love this idea, but I’m not there in terms of my own spiritual journey.

Practical Explanation

My current understanding is that angel numbers are a sign that you’re aligned. You’re in good, high vibe energy and things are flowing nicely for you.

Whist these numbers obviously display all the time, we tend to only notice them when we are in an aligned state and can more easily tap into the woo.

For example, 11:11 displays on every clock and watch in your physical space two times per day – AM and PM. Unless you use the 24 hour settings. Haha. But you catch my drift.

That being said, seeing repeating numbers is great! It means you’re headed in the right direction and to keep this good energy going.

Personally, I notice that I do not see angel numbers when I’m in a low vibe, stressed state. But when I’m feeling good, they’re everywhere!

What Do Specific Angel Numbers Mean? (1111, 555, 333 Meaning)

Each number is said to have its own meaning. But I have some side notes:

  • Angel numbers can have different meanings for different people – so you should see if you see any patterns or download other meanings for the numbers you see
  • I’ve researched many sites for specific numbers and many have conflicting meanings – so take the meanings with a grain of salt

Even still, I have seen some patterns for certain numbers.

Here are some specific examples. The numbers can show up in different repeating numbers (for example, you could see 11 or 1111 or 111111111). Read more about the number of digits in the next section.

5, 55, 555, 5555 Meaning

5: Change – change is happening or coming soon

3, 33, 333, 3333 Meaning

3: Encouragement – you are encouraged on your path / future – whether things are going well or not, it’s also a reminder to stay focused on your desired outcome and future

2, 22, 222, 2222 Meaning

2: Angels – your angels are near, you are supported

1, 11, 111, 1111 Meaning

1 (my favorite): Alignment and Manifestation – you’re aligned and manifesting fast (this is a great time to focus on your desired manifestations)


Okay, but what about when you see angel numbers together?!

What Do Angel Numbers Mean Together?

When you see angel numbers together, you get a combination of the meanings of those numbers. Look up the meaning of each number and then see how they can come together for a combined meaning.

For example…

1111 and 555 Meaning Together

When you see 1111 and 555 together, you take the manifestation power of 1111 plus the meaning of change for 555, and you get that your manifestation for a change in your life is coming together, happening soon, etc.

Other Interesting Repeating Number Info

From my research, I learned a couple other interesting things. I haven’t personally experienced these, but I’ll share so you have the info…

Number of Digits -> Strength (For Example: 11 vs 1111)

I’ve read that the more of a number you see in a row, the stronger the meaning is. So, 111 > 11 and 1111 > 111.

Number Combinations (For Example: 11:55pm)

Apparently, angel numbers can be combined. Like seeing 11:55pm on the clock. This would mean alignment & manifestation PLUS change.

See the above section on “What Do Angel Numbers Mean Together?” for more.

Personal Angel Numbers (That Are Unique to You)

You can have angel numbers that aren’t necessarily “repeating” but you see all the time. For example, for me, I see “1234” all the time. And I don’t mean in places where that would be normal, like ordered lists.

I see 12:34pm or 1,234 minutes, etc.

If you see a number a lot, it could be your own unique angel number.

To figure out what this means, notice the pattern of what you’re doing or thinking about when you see that number. That will give you insight into what that unique number means for you in your life.

Do you have a unique angel number? Comment yours below!

How to Use Angel Numbers

In my opinion, angel numbers are best used as an indicator of alignment. When it comes to living your dream life, I believe in working to feel good and take aligned actions towards your dreams. The ones you’re working to create and manifesting. And angel numbers mean you’re headed the right way for this.

Angel numbers only work when you’re not forcing them. When I see them, it’s by accident. I’m certain that I still see repeating numbers without always recognizing them as angel numbers, and this is totally normal. Plus, it’s sort of the point. It’s when you happen to be looking at something with numbers (the clock, an address, a telephone number) and recognize them as angel numbers that they’re the most meaningful.

The timing of seeing angel numbers is also important. Are you seeing them when you’re doing something in particular? With someone in particular. In a particular place? How can the angel numbers and whatever you’re currently experiencing create a meaning?

For example: say you’re changing careers and you’ve been debating attending a conference. Say you finally decide to go and purchase tickets and immediately after wonder, “hmm, what time is it?” And then you check the clock to notice it’s 1:11pm. I’d take this as a sign that getting the tickets was the right decision and maybe the event but also the career change are aligned for my highest good.

Summary: What Are Angel Numbers and What Do They Mean

Angel numbers are repeating numbers (1111, 555, 333, etc.) that you see all the time in seemingly random ways or places. Sometimes angel numbers aren’t necessary the same number repeating (for example: 1234 or 8785), but they are numbers that *you* see all the time.

Angel numbers generally mean that you’re aligned and your vibes are high. Some people believe that seeing repeating numbers means your angels are trying to communicate with you.

Whatever the meaning, I usually take seeing angel numbers as a good sign that I’m on track and aligned. Yay!

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Hope you enjoyed this post explaining the meaning of angel numbers and how to use them for your best, high vibe life! Thank you so much for reading and watching!

Click to learn what repeating numbers mean. These angel numbers are signs from the Universe that can be extremely meaningful to your high vibe life. #lawofattraction #loa #manifestation #manifest #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #woowoo #changeyourlife  #goodvibes #successhabits #highvibes #spirituality #theuniverse

9 thoughts on “Seeing Repeating Numbers (1111, 555, 333)? What Angel Numbers Mean”

  1. I see a sequence of numbers starting with 585 or 535, 853,583… followed by 4 more numbers like a hidden telephone number. Most of the time I can’t make out what all the numbers are.
    It’s like someone trying to hide a cell number , you’d have to really notice it to see it like on lighters, cig packs are the main ones. Almost like these items were used to bare down on from another sheet of paper. It’s so weird and o don’t want to think the worst but sometimes it leads to that.
    I’m not crazy… yet😂

  2. I’ve been given a God given vision of building a Church, I’ve also seen the completed inside & outside but I’ve been waiting for God’s Divine provision for 12 years. I’ve been aware of Angel numbers for sometime, but I was awakened at 5:55 yesterday and 11:11 last night. I felt joyful in my Spirit instantly, do you have any insight?

    • Hi Clayton, your best insight will come from within. It could be a good exercise to journal about this and see what comes through for you. Cheers!

    • Hi John, A couple things on this. First – angel numbers can be combined, in which case you get the meaning of both together. Second – sometimes angel numbers are specific to you. See if you notice any patterns when you see these numbers (you’re thinking about the same decision/person/etc., you’re in the same place, etc.). If it’s unique to you, it will have a meaning that is specific to you too. Hope this helps!

  3. Afternoon..for awhile.
    I ve noticed sequential nbr patterns. More so live passed 3 months ago. We were already noticing number patterns. We were so in tuned. I do believe he’s trying to reach me. I m unsure of his frequency

  4. Me and my daughter have been seeing all angel numbers everywhere. time, car rego cmng in front of us. written on the back of a vehicle.. simply everywhere. Its driving me crazy thinking what the message is. I am single mom trying to buy a house.


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