
Tahitian Glow: Redux

Wow – things have been so crazy. As much as I’m looking forward to my wedding and honeymoon, I can’t wait for it to be over so I can have some free time again! There are so many things to…

“Always” Bracelet

When I first started making jewelry, I used to make these cool bracelets called “Mother’s Bracelets.” Have you heard of them? They’re quite brilliant, actually. No, I didn’t make them up (I think the concept has been around for awhile),…

Bridesmaid Earrings in a Hurry

A couple days ago, I received a request for a rush order for bridesmaid earrings from a good friend, which I was more than happy to help with. Making bridesmaid and other wedding jewelry is one of my favorite things…

Handmade Wedding Fundraiser

Not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but I’m getting married in May…yea, May of this year. I’m so behind on entirely too many things…I haven’t ordered stationery, and I haven’t even gone wedding dress shopping…not once! I know. I’m…