New to Foodbuzz

So, I've seen ads for Foodbuzz around the blogosphere, but never thought much of it till Lys, from Cooking in Stilettos, sent me an invite to join.  What the who, I thought…so I went for it.  I just finished signing up for my very own FB account.

Picture 6

I've spent the last 5 minutes browsing around and even watched the How-it-Works video, which explained a lot about the purpose of the site and navigation.  I'm wondering how much content I'll be able to add to my profile since I can barely keep up with the blog most days, but I'm hoping to add some fun stuff soon.

Anyone else on Foodbuzz?

3 thoughts on “New to Foodbuzz”

  1. I just signed up to Foodbuzz last week and trying to figure it all out too! I think once I begin to understand it that it wil be fun!! 🙂

  2. I just signed up, too, AND watched the video, but haven't done anything beyond that. I'll stay tuned to find out if you discover something marvelous over there. 😉


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