SCBR Week 7 Changes

I’m halfway done with my program! Woohoo! I feel so much better even just halfway through. My passion for health has been rekindled, and I’m starting more and more to look forward to workouts than just willing myself through them. I feel more energized and happier overall. My jeans are fitting looser and I’ve lost weight. SCBR rocks!

Changes for Week 7:

  • Start reading the ingredient list on food labels (been doing this, but interested to see what Ellie recommends looking for on these labels)
  • Add core exercises to your workout
  • Tackle a clutter-clearing project (optional) – as much as I’d like to do this one, it may not be feasible due to me being out of town most of this week. Perhaps I’ll push it back a week?

Week 7, here we go!

2 thoughts on “SCBR Week 7 Changes”

  1. Good for you Diana, and best of all you are feeling great, I need to do the same. Have a great trip and you will tackle the clutter when you get back, don't worry!!

  2. I absolutely love your blog!!! Great ideas for healthy, organic food. I also love how the focus is on eating healthy, but you induldge every once in a while and don't freak out 🙂


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