9:30 am – Coffee + Blueberries + Cream Oats – First Signs of Feeling Full (6)
I was still feeling a little like I’ve got that “I’m starting to get sick” feeling, so I decided to eat some oatmeal because I read that it boosts you immune system. I cooked a double batch stove top for me and hubby. We had totally different mixins. Hubby had PB Chocolate Chip and I had Blueberries + Cream.
Pre-cooking (sized for 1):
- 1/3 cup dry old fashioned rolled oats by Fresh Market
- 2/3 cup water
- 1 tsp flax seed
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 2 tbsp 2% milk, stirred in
- 1/4 cup fresh blueberries, on top
- 1 tbsp sliced almonds, on top
I stirred everything together so the berries could warm through.
I had a spoonful of Barney Butter on the side. I didn’t think it would go well with the berry mix, so I ate it off the spoon, but I wanted some almond butter for the nutritional benefits. I wanted to have some OJ with my oatmeal since I heard from that article that it pairs well, nutritionally speaking, with oats, but we didn’t have any!
10:30 am – Yogi Echinacea Immune Support – Content (5)
I decided to try to drink as many liquids as possible today, so I kicked things off tea-wise with some Yogi Tea Echinacea Immune Support with some honey.
Yogi tea quote #1: “Your destiny is to merge with infinity.”
11:30 am – EmergenC + More Tea – Content (5)
Hubby picked up some Tangerine flavored EmergenCs today, so I took one just after breakfast.
I also went ahead and brewed another mug of Yogi Tea Echinacea Immune Support. The box said to brew 2-3 cups a day, so I took them literally.
3:30 pm – Stracciatella + Buttered WG Toast + Smart Water – First Signs of Feeling Full (6)
While I was watching FoodTV, I saw one of those Quick Tips by Giada where she showed you how to make stracciatella. Stracciatella is like an Italian egg drop soup and egg drop soup is one of my go-tos when I’m feeling under the weather, so I made a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up some ingredients to make it for lunch.
We had most of the ingredients on hand and the soup was a cinch to whip up.
I had another candlelit lunch and tried to relax as much as possible with my cozy meal. I had some smart water to drink and buttered toast as a side.
Even though I had all that vitamin C from the EmergenC earlier, I figured some fruits wouldn’t hurt to help me feel better. I sliced up a blood orange, which was really just a deeper red (I have seen some red ones before though!) and a kiwi. Hubby stole 2 slices of orange, but I got to eat the entire kiwi.
I had my 3rd and last mug of Echinacea Immune Support tea with honey again. So good!
Yogi Tea Quote #2: “Love, compassion and kindness are the anchors of life.”
7:30 pm – Veggie Plate + Lasagna – First Signs of Feeling Full (6)
The spinach in my fridge was questionable so I decided to make a veggie plate to get my veggies with dinner. On the plate: celery, carrots, red/orange/yellow peppers, 1 roma tomato, and cucumber slices.
I drizzled the plate with some Drew’s Rosemary Balsamic dressing.
I had some leftover lasagna, re-heated in the oven (I think it tastes so much better that way!).
More smart water to drink.
I decided I wanted my lasagna to be more saucy, so I heated some of that leftover Ragu sauce in a mug and poured it on top of my lasagna.
Another little bite. 🙂
A No Pudge Brownie with milk for dessert – yum!
One of these decadent brownies has a mere 120 calories!
*Updated after first publish to add another 1/2 brownie. The first one was so good, I couldn’t resist a second helping.
Calories Eaten: 1527 1587 after I added that second 1/2 portion of brownie (so worth it though!) haha
I’m planning on having more tea before bedtime, so I’ve added that to my journal, along with the calories for another tbsp of honey. I’m feeling pretty tired, so I’m hoping to get to bed early tonight. I need to rest up! Big day tomorrow! First day on the new project! Woohoo! I think I already know what I’m going to wear and I know where I’m going to report in the AM, so I think I’m good to go. My biggest project for work will be packing for SF! Yikes! I should probably start on that tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I’m going to post the Food Challenge tomorrow. I’m zonked and need to rest up.
Oh, and I submitted my recipes for the Foods That Fit Blogger Cookbook – is any one else submitting recipes?
I’m off to eat my brownie and drink my milk whilst enjoying tonight’s Cold Case! Toodles!
Hope you feel better! Sleep well!