Oh What a Beautiful Moooorning!

Greetings from the Chic house. Not sure about where you live, but the weather today is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!


Quelle belle ciel?! Pas un nuage. Pas un cumulus. Il fait vraiment beau, n’est-ce pas? (A line from some French videos I watched in college when I minored in French. For some reason, whenever the sky is really pretty I think of it)


Whatever that strange plant in the back is, it’s really blooming!



I think one reader guessed Golden Datura? Not sure…could be. I guess I could take a photo of the flowers to a plant store and try to find out.


I took Bailey out this morning for his morning stroll. The backyard was just starting to become sunlit by the rising sun.


Sometimes my backyard seems a bit like a secret garden. There is an area in the back that looks completely overrun by weeds and unpruned plants. Check out the fallen metal arch in the tangle of weeds. I think this area used to be quite lovely and maintained, but has succumbed to weeds and other plants. I’d like to dig it back out.


A single pink flower in a pot of white flowers.


I checked on my bay laurel plant and she seems to be doing ok still. I hope she makes it through the winter!


Back in the house, I’m slowly trying to make better choices with the things I bring into my home.


Exhibit A: Unbleached Beyond Gourmet coffee filters (found at Earthfare). I’ve chosen unbleached coffee filters over the conventional white ones.


Saturday breakfast: fried Earthfare brown egg and Great Harvest Honey Whole Wheat toast with real organic butter.


Boy is organic butter tasty! Does anyone else think organic butter tastes better than conventional?


A wee bit of OJ. I learned a long time ago in skate camp that you should only drink a little orange juice. Once you’ve had enough to get your 100% vitamin C, you’re really just drinking a bunch of sugar. Since then, I’ve tried to have just a little OJ. I don’t need a huge glass to enjoy it anyways.


Of course, breakfast wouldn’t be complete without a delicious mug of coffee – made with fresh-ground Larry’s beans and an unbleached coffee filter. 😉

Dan and I have a big day of shopping ahead. We’re looking for rugs, curtains, and anything else we can use in our house. We need a lot of stuff! lol Off we go!

What are you doing this weekend?

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