Mon Beret, Il Est Fini!

Salut, mes amis!  I did it!  I finished another project…and you guys thought I never would.  Ha!  I showed you!  What’s that?  You did think I’d finish a project?  Ok, well then…I guess you showed me…Ha!?

Anywho, I finished making the Polly Beret (an original Alicia Paulson design). It was such a fun pattern and the finished product is super-cute.  If you know how to crochet, you should get this pattern when it goes on sale…I’m a beginner, and I made my way through it, so any level crocheter should enjoy it.  I even got to wear my beret to work yesterday…my little creation has seen daylight!  I noticed the other day…it’s the strangest thing, really…something about this beret is making me kiss-y.


Maybe because a beret is French and French people like to kiss?  Berets are French, right?  And French people like to kiss, right?


I don’t know for certain, but I do know this beret is making Bailey pretty kiss-y, too!

Although, now that I think about it, the kids on the playground used to call me "The Kiss-y Girl."  Yea…I chased the boys around the playground and tried to kiss them.  We’re talking 3rd…maybe 4th grade.  Pretty embarrassing stuff, huh?  Good thing we moved to a different state in 4th grade, and no one remembers me as that any more.  How hard would that be to live down?

8 thoughts on “Mon Beret, Il Est Fini!”

  1. Your photos look so fun! I wanted to pop over and say Thank you for visiting me recently and for your sweet comment….I am just now catching up with everyone here in Blogland. I'd love to pop in and say hello again!

  2. I love it! It makes me want to crochet one too! It looks so chic in red – I really like it a lot and it looks fabulous on you and Bailey is a hoot! He's such a cutie. I gotta find someone to teach me how to crochet now, I think I'm catching the crafting bug.


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