Eat in Month – Day #6
Slept in today…doh!
I talked hubby into eating some stove top oats with me this AM.
In my bowl: oats, skim milk, canned organic pumpkin, flaxseeds, pecans, HEMP SEEDS, unsweetened organic coconut, and I tossed in some ricotta leftover from our lasagna earlier this week (gotta get rid of it somehow!)
I stirred my bowl together to distribute the ricotta and make the oatmeal creamy, like how you can make a tomato sauce creamy with ricotta stirred in.
Eating in was pretty easy today thanks to early prep work with my salad last night and leftover lasagna.
Leftover veggie lasagna, toast, salad with organic romaine, broccoli, orange bell pepper, organic carrot and hemp seeds.
See em!
Afternoon snack: black tea with cream and sugar and Moravian cookies!
After work, hubby and I headed out to look at granite and tile (yes, again!). The meeting was much more productive than I thought it would be and we got some good quotes. I hope we can make some decision soon because I’m ready for this kitchen to be DONE!
I’ve spent quite a bit of money amping up our pantry, so hubby suggested we eat from our pantry/freezer for dinner. I kind of wanted to find a use for that leftover ricotta and parmesan before it goes bad, but I wasn’t really in the mood for Italian (can you blame me after 4 back to back meals of lasagna! lol)
After a long day of work and then spending a couple hours with the granite/tile people, I really wasn’t feeling much like cooking. In fact, all I could think about was pizza…pizza…pizza….let’s go pick up pizza. lol
Buuut, knowing I had some food I could cook with little effort and wanting to stick to my Eat in Month Challenge kept me thinking about the yummy food I had at home.
We broke out our unopened tartar sauce to eat with…
TJ’s Battered Cod…and TJ’s sweet potato fries, steamed veggie medley and some syrah.
After dinner, I had a hankering for something SWEET! I decided to check out Dreena’s Eat Drink and Be Vegan Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies (click for recipe). I used 1/2 TJ’s white-wheat flour and 1/2 spelt flour with a bit extra spelt flour (around 1 tbsp). I also didn’t quite have 1/3 cup of non-dairy chocolate chips, so I added some carob chips to make up the difference.
They came together SO easily and were done SO quickly! While my cookies baked, I cleaned up a bit in the ktichen…next thing I know, BING, they were ready!
My cookies went perfectly with my vino.
Holy wow, were these GOOD! Even hubby liked them! We both enjoyed them like they were regular chocolate chip cookies, but they were VEGAN!
I can’t wait to try more of Dreena’s vegan recipes!
Aaaaand, I may or may not have eaten a second cookie. Nom nom nom!
How’s everyone doing with Eat in Month? Anyone want to join late? Leave a comment on the EIM post. 🙂
Kitchen Progress
Remember this room? Here’s what it looked like when we bought our house. Oh the wood paneling!
It went to this…missing walls, no wood paneling….no drywall.
It looked like this for a long time – drywall, kneewall, unpainted. Unfinished.
Well, after waiting several weeks on our new cabinets (ones we’re adding, not replacing), we’re finally ready to continue!
Today, our contractor stopped by while I was at work and removed the knee wall (turns out we don’t need it), patched thew wall, and took out the icky linoleum.
Yup, no linoleum. I like linoleum…just not that one. It was a bit too busy for my style.
Now, in the kitchen, we just need to:
- install new cabinets
- install island granite countertop
- install new main kitchen granite countertops
- paint cabinets
- paint window area
- update hardware
- replace appliances (no time soon, hah!)
- paint kitchen
- install tile floor
- add backsplash (when? who knows!)
Not sure when any of this will be completed, but I’m really looking forward to getting some more cabinet space! I can’t wait to get things organized!
Fitness Motivation
Oh, still collecting ways to squash the “I’m too tired to work out” excuse to help motivate others to keep their resolutions and get to the gym. Click here to help out.
Remember to use twitter tag #fitcrew if you’re looking for motivation to work out OR look for #fitcrew tweets if you’d like to offer up some motivation. Let’s help each other people! 🙂
Sleepy time!
Which do you like better on your kitchen floor – tile or linoleum/vinyl?
ahh u are so creative w. ur meals!!
does ricotta taste like cottage cheese?!
I must try those cookies! They look great! And great job on the kitchen – I bet it's exciting to see it is almost done!
I like the cookies! It looks good! And what a great job you did with your kitchen!
Thanks hun!
I actually don't really like cottage cheese, so I don't eat it. I've
tried it before a few years ago and I think it is somewhat similar.
It's like a light, creamy cheese, though the texture isn't 100%
After I stirred it in, it just made the oats kinda creamy. I didn't think it added too much flavor-wise.
Try it out! Tell me what you think.
🙂 Diana
whoa those cookies look fantastic!!
I like tile all the way. We're going to be ripping up our vinyl flooring to replace it with tile. Just a couple more weeks!! Squeeeee!
I love, love, love photos of before & after home renovations and I hope you post more!
for kitchen floors, I prefer tiles. When we bought our house, we ripped up the linoleum and put down tiles. It can be costly depending on which tiles you choose, but it looks really nice!
Those vegan cookies look awesome. Can't wait to see the finished kitchen!
Oats and dinner look great!
Your kitchen has come along great! Can't wait to see the final result!
after our extreme home makeover in 07 I am so happy to see what other people do and am glad we are done!
we are still fixing up our old home for a rental but shew to be done!
I LOVE TILE. I have had stuff tear and pucker the linoleum too many times. We put wood in our house all around and tile in the bathrooms. I love it. bc tile is hard and if you drop something it almost always breaks (the thing and the tile!)
love the before (and during) pics!
Cool recipe. Vegetable made cookies. That's unique and creative thinking. Can't wait to know what it would taste like. Nice photos too..
Good for you guys for staying in! Those cookies sound wonderful. I can't wait to see more after photos! Lots of work ahead but it will be so worth it. I prefer tile in the kitchen 🙂 Chris and I installed laminate floors in the living/dining and we're still trying to find time to finally finish the thresholds lol
The kitchen is looking great! I vote for hardwoods in the kitchen 🙂 I like linoleum because it is easy to clean and tile is definitely NOT, but the look of hardwoods can't be beat! I can't wait til we can do some kitchen updates too!
The kitchen is looking great! The cabinets are beautiful and I like the lighting. Have you thought about adding a bit of undercabinet lighting, I think it would look fab in your kitchen =)
P.S. – the food looks fantastic too!
Kitchen is looking SO GOOD!