Happy hump day Chic-lets!
Can you believe I haven’t picked up my DSLR at all today!? Yep, this post will be 100% iPhone photos…thus the not so stellar quality. Sorry!
Hubby and I headed out to Noda tonight for a relaxing dinner out.
I love the artsy feel of the Noda neighborhood in town. The buildings are painted in various hues and there are random acts of art all around. There are so many free spirits walking around, too. Noda also has quite the eclectic mix of people – from men with crisp hair in business suits to hippies with long beards and colorful clothes.
We hit up Revolution Pizza, a local favorite pizza place. We purchased a Groupon for Revolution pizza just a few days ago and decided to go ahead and cash it in.
It was way too dark to take decent photos (though I did try!), so I’ll just say that we had a really great dinner. Our server was top-notch – kind, patient, and very helpful. He even offered good beer suggestions. In case you didn’t know Revolution has quite the beer selection, so hubby and I tried a couple local brews. Hubby had a black ale and I had a Diana-sized (half-pint) ale.
House Updates!
Hubby and I finally have a couple exciting updates.
1. We got our air ducts and vents cleaned. Our previous home owners were smokers, and though we went through extensive measures to get rid of the smoke (cleaned walls, repainted walls, refinished floors, removed all carpet and curtains, and cleaned/re-painted anything else we could think of). However, though we did all that work, the inside of our house was still tainted with smoke. After saving up some funds we finally hired someone this week to clean our air ducts and vents. I definitely notice a difference in the air quality already. Yay for fresh air!
2. We’re purchasing some remnant carpet, which we’re going to turn into a rug for the basement.
Now hubby’s man-cave will be even more comfy.
And I forgot to blog about this interesting find from the other day – PowerBar Energy Gel Blasts.
I was feeling really hungry and tired on Tuesday before Zumba, but I forgot to pack any snacks. So, I swung by a CVS in hopes of something decent in the way of bars (why can’t everyone sell Larabars and other whole food snacks?!). I found these PowerBar Energy Gel Blasts and decided to give them a go. I ate half of the bag (though I believe the suggested serving was the whole bag).
These Gel Blasts taste like gummy bears. The gel inside wasn’t very noticeable, but tasted good. I didn’t like all the crazy ingredients in these things, but I do think they gave me some energy for Zumba, which was good. So, I think they work ok, but since I try my hardest to avoid eating foods with weird ingredients, I probably won’t make these a staple.
Time Management Challenge – Activity #1
If you’re just catching up, I’m kicking off a Time Management Challenge for the month of March. I posted my problem areas and goals on yesterday’s post (click).
Besides tips and other related info, I’m planning to blog throughout the month about my personal journey as I try to improve my Time Management skills and get my schedule under control for a stress-free-me. I’m also assigning myself little activities now and again to help out with the challenge. You’re welcome to join in if you’d like. 😉
Activity #1 – Track your daily schedule.
On a recent post where I blogged about why I need this challenge, I also outlined an average schedule for me:
Many of you may have a schedule that is the same every day, so this will be easy for you. My schedule is pretty much different every day. I would say my schedule is sometimes less a schedule and more of the things happen around some-scheduled-things. I follow a bit of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-approach to making my way through the day, which may be one of the main causes of my crazy schedule.
Either way, you may think you know your schedule, but without tracking your schedule in detail, you won’t be able to as easily note problem areas. Without pinpointing the problem areas, you won’t be able to as effectively fix your schedule. For my first activity, I’m planning to track my actual schedule, every day.
- Write down your schedule every day for at least one week (similar to the photo above)
- Track time in 15 minute increments
- Note any problem areas (for example, I know I hit the snooze button way longer than I should)
You’re welcome to adapt this to your liking, but this is what I plan to do. 🙂
Reader Question: Is your daily schedule organized or do you follow a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-approach to your day?
Seat of my pants, though I usually get into work in the same 2 hour window every day (yeah, I know 2 hours is huge).
Love this challenge, I’m gonna hate to see mine when I’m done … Facebook and Internet searching for stuff will be a huge downfall, as well as managing my 3 passions, Gildersleeve Creative, QCDO, and my home/hubby/kitties/yard… PRIORITIES!!! I need focus!!!
Oh, and I have no set schedule, it changes daily… I try to keep blocks of time for each part of my day the same (work time vs QCDO vs home) but they constantly intermingle as focusing is a huge problem for me.
XO, thanks for the challenge!
Im a diligent scheduler sometimes I think it can get way out of hand…if I ever lost my calender and assignment book…. I dont know WHAT I’d do haha
I love challenges…but time management is one thing I think I do too well.
I try and squeek in as much possible productive-ness into every nook and cranny of my day.
I am actually working on NOT multi-tasking and focusing more on what’s going on at hand…like NOT knitting and cooking dinner at the same time.
GOOD FOR YOU and your schedule looks okay so far. MINE is jam–packed.
maybe I need to work on that!
I am super fly by the seat of my pants right now, though that is going to change when I change jobs soon… I should have an answer from both places I interviewed at by Friday!
I’m really excited for you about your air ducts and vents. (Is that weird?) I love a good deep cleaning!!
I love this! I know that Caitlin and some other bloggers use time-tracking software to see where they spend their minutes online…it’s too bad there isn’t an automated version of what you’re trying to do!
I thought I was organized, but I just tracked my schedule for a few days and I can’t believe how much time I waste! 15 minutes here and there really adds up. I’m always complaining about how I don’t ever have enough time to do anything, but clearly I need to reevaluate.
P.S. I found your blog a while back when I was googling Zumba. I love reading your Zumba related posts, it motivates me to go to class : )
Yay! So glad you like the Zumba posts! 🙂
Oh lord, this will be interesting. Maybe I’ll take one more day of some procrastinating 🙂
My schedule is the same almost every day! Work out – work – home for dinner – blog – bed. Only changes on Tuesdays when I have a harp lesson. I love the routine.
Wow you have quite the busy day! I’m fairly regimented but don’t really write it down…more like a mental list. I don’t think I’d like eating dinner so late. But you do what you gotta do! 🙂
I am very excited but also worried about this challenge. I know that I am a hit or miss of time management, as of late I am been HUGE misses. I am starting school on Monday so I really have to buckle down and figure out what I am doing. Hoping this helps me to keep on track.
I would say it is 50/50. Structured in some areas where I need it to be, and open-ended in other areas where I need the flexibility. 🙂