With seeing Brené Brown the night before, birthday celebration travel plans the next day, and a friend in town, I was definitely eating on the go. Gone was any potential planning time. I hadn’t even packed for the trip! So, I was eating healthy as I went. Here’s how I did…
*VIDEO* Eating Healthy on the Go, E3 Live Unboxing, Quickie Workout
Click here to view the video if the above player doesn’t work.
Avo Smash Toast
Almond milk flat white.
I read in Shape magazine today that the healthy fats and fiber in avocado help tell your brain you’re full. This makes sense now, since I had always wondered why avo toast was so filling!
For a super fast lunch, I went to Whole Foods to hit up the hot bar. I opted for lots of veggies with some chicken and other sides.
E3 Live Unboxing
Have you guys heard about E3 Live? With all of the unicorn recipes going around, E3 Live is one of the natural ingredients commonly used to make a turquoise color.
I’ve known it as a health-boosting ingredient that I’d add to smoothies when I was feeling under the weather for a nice health boost. One of my Charlotte spots, Berrybrook, used it in one of their smoothies. I remembered the boost of energy I’d feel after drinking that smoothie.
So, I decided to order some E3 Live to experiment with. I ordered Blue Majik and E3 AFA. The former is said to be good as anti-inflammatory. And you guys know I’m all about that these days. And the latter is the shelf-stable version of the E3 Live I had in all those Berrybrook smoothies.
Blue Majik: What’s the Difference Between Fine and Crystal Powder?
I wasn’t sure what the difference was between the fine and crystal powders. The price was nearly the same. So, I emailed the company and heard back very quickly. Apparently the two powders are dried differently. The fine powder is a bit finer (surprise, surprise!) and may blend better into drinks. Since I’m putting mine in smoothie primarily, I opted for the fine version.
Quickie Workout
My friend was in town for the night, and we had plans to work out together, but her schedule got messed up last minute. Since she was in town, I made my workout a quickie:
- About 20 minutes of dance fitness cardio / warm-up
- 2 sets of 15 lunges
- 2 sets of 15 TA activations with 5 second holds
- 1 set of 10 side planks with leg lifts
- 1 set of 5 kick-backs (haven’t done these since being injured, so I’m starting low and slow)
- 60 second plank with stepping for the last 30 seconds
My 30 Day No Crunch Ab Challenge is off to a good start!
The workout was really late, which meant a late dinner too. I took help from the grocery store and got prepared sides, so I just had to make my roasted shrimp recipe, which is done in about 15 minutes. Click here for the roasted shrimp recipe. As you guys know, I eat this all the time.
More What I Eat in a Day
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Thanks for watching and reading!