New Year Reset Journal Prompts 2025

Ready to reset your life so you can live your best life in 2025? Keep reading for these powerful New Year Reset Journal Prompts 2025.

What’s a New Year Reset?

Resets are commonly used to intentionally get your life together across various areas and themes, like cleaning, planning, self care, journaling, and dreaming big.

A New Year Reset is a great way to tie up loose ends from the current year and set yourself up for success in the new year ahead.

While Sunday Resets and Monthly Resets typically focus on ideas, to-dos, and projects that need to be completed more frequently, a New Year Reset focuses are larger projects and themes you can do on an annual (or at least less frequent) basis.

Click here for my New Year Reset Guide and Checklist to do your own New Year Reset and start the new year strong!

Keep reading for some helpful New Year Reset Journal Prompts.

New Year Reset Journal Prompts 2025

Background image is a collage of colorful photos featuring coffee, a journal, some flowers, strawberry toast, and a pink spa robe. On top of this is a list of New Year Reset Journal Prompts.
Save this list or share it with a friend / loved one. Have a New Year Reset journaling session together!

Use these New Year Reset Journal Prompts to create your dream life in the new year ahead:

  1. What am I most proud of from this past year?
  2. What would make me most proud to accomplish next year?
  3. What do I love most about myself?
  4. What’s one thing I could change in the new year for my highest good?
  5. What’s the biggest lesson I learned this past year? How can I apply that lesson in the new year?
  6. What’s my why?
  7. What did I discover about myself this past year that surprised me?
  8. What was my biggest challenge this past year? How did I overcome it?
  9. What do I need to release to honor my highest good?
  10. What was the best advice I received this past year?
  11. What made me the most happy this past year? How can I cultivate happiness in the new year?

Want some guidance with these journal prompts? Keep reading for some helpful tips, links, and resources to help you use these New Year Reset Journal Prompts with confidence.


New Year Reset Journal Prompts Tips & Guidance

List of New Year Reset journal prompts
Let’s dig into each of this New Year Reset Journal Prompts in more detail

1. What am I most proud of from this past year?

What’s a stand out moment from this past year where you felt proud of yourself? Remember, you don’t have to have climbed Mt. Everest to be proud of yourself.

I’m reminded of this quote:

Courage quote graphic by Mary Anne Radmacher

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”

– Mary Anne Radmacher

Think about the moments big OR small that made you proud this past year.

2. What would make me most proud to accomplish next year?

What did you learn from the last New Year Reset journal prompt?

If you easily found something you were proud of – how can you keep this going in the new year?

If you found this challenging – how can you plan or create moments, experiences, or memories that make you proud in the new year?

3. What do I love most about myself?

Let’s create some energy of self love for YOU. Let’s celebrate YOU! Think about something you love about yourself.

If you’re still struggling with self love, that’s okay. Try using some self love affirmations to help foster more self love within yourself.

Remember, there’s no extra credit for picking something exceptional or celebrity level here. Maybe you love simple things like eyes or your kind soul. Choose whatever feels good and true.

4. What’s one thing I could change in the new year for my highest good?

Whilst I’m a big believer that we are born worthy and do not need to change anything to become worthy, I also love personal development.

We are always shifting, changing, and ultimately becoming. As we embrace the natural change of life, we can guide that change by moving forward through life with intention.

What’s something you’d like to become in the new year? What shift or change would support your highest good?

5. What’s the biggest lesson I learned this past year? How can I apply that lesson in the new year?

The best thing about lessons is that you can apply it in your future for new levels of success, confidence, ease, flow, and happiness.

6. What’s my why?

We often have many whys. What has been driving you lately? What does that tell you about yourself and your life overall? How might that influence your goals, intentions, and plans for the new year?

7. What did I discover about myself this past year that surprised me?

This can be a “bad” or “good” surprise. We can learn so much from either.

In fact, as you continue on your self discovery journey, it’s very common to be surprised by the things you learn about yourself on both sides of the coin.

It can be a relief to discover good things. To find ways to celebrate yourself. To own your uniqueness.

But the “bad” stuff can be scary. It can cause us to want to look away. But tackling the scary stuff is sometimes where the most transformational work can happen, like Brené Brown talks about in this quote:

Quote graphic about owning your story by Brené Brown

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

– Brené Brown

Are you ready to embrace your light?

8. What was my biggest challenge this past year? How did I overcome it?

Remember “big” is subjective. You don’t have to solve world peace to celebrate a challenge and all the good work you did to overcome it.

9. What do I need to release to honor my highest good?

Sometimes what you DO is less important than what you need to NOT DO. What do you need to release for your highest good?

Could you drop a bad habit? Stop putting energy into a toxic relationship? Let go of that fear? Release your worry over something outside of your control?

10. What was the best advice I received this past year?

Isn’t it interesting how some of our best lessons come at the advice of others? What did someone share with you that was a game changer for your year?

  • Bonus #1: Consider sending them a little thank you note or even sending them some positive energy without even contacting them.
  • Bonus #2: Comment the advice below. I always love hearing powerful advice from others. We can learn so much from each other!

Note: the advice can come from something someone told you directly or even something you read about in a book or heard in a podcast.

11. What made me the most happy this past year? How can I cultivate happiness in the new year?

What happy moment stands out to you? What can you learn from this to create more opportunities for happy memories in the new year?



These New Year Reset Journal Prompts can help you reflect on the past year and plan a beautifully aligned year ahead.

Use the insights you gain to do a New Year Reset checklist, make a powerful vision board, or simply understand yourself better to keep moving forward with more strength, clarity, and confidence.


More New Year Resources to Love

New Year Reset Guide and Checklist

100 Best New Year Journal Prompts


Hope you enjoy these New Year Reset Journal Prompts 2025. Thank you so much for stopping by!

What did you learn from using these New Year Reset journal prompts.

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