So glad we didn’t stay out late last night because I had a lot of leisurely morning activities planned:
- trip to Great Harvest
- trip to the farmers market
- trip to the local plant nursery
I started with a trip to Great Harvest to get one of those Oat Bran Blueberry muffins I’m currently addicted to. I love that they’re whole grain and I think they’re made with real, fresh blueberries. Yum!
Next up, a trip to the local farmers market.
Unfortunately, I came a little late, so most of the produce (and all of the local strawberries *sad face*) were sold out. I did manage to pick up some swiss chard and a butterfly weed from these guys.
I got an heirloom lettuce plant from these guys.
Local free range eggs…
…and a sample of apple mint juice from these guys.
And I even ran into my friend Vatsla whilst shopping. We got to do our farmers market shopping together. So much more fun with girlfriends!
On the way to the nursery, I picked up a veggie juice:
- apples
- carrots
- beets
- spinach
So sweet and yummy!
When I got back, hubby suggested we eat at Fran’s Filling Station. We grabbed a nice patio table there. I loved all the plants and herbs they grow in the front of the store.
I was a little irritated that they didn’t have any of their fabulous burgers on their lunch menu and that they couldn’t even prepare anything from the dinner menu (some places let you order lunch at dinner and dinner at lunch…no such luck here). Mostly I was sad because I had my heart set on trying their amazing-sounding veggie burger, but I couldn’t get it since it was on the dinner menu.
Hubby ended up getting a hot turkey sammie with chips.
I got the lemon chicken salad sammie on wheat with their veggie of the day –
watermelon sprinkled with salt and cayenne pepper. Very refreshing!
The lemon flavor was an interesting take on chicken salad, but I thought it really worked. I’m a big fan of chicken salad, though I do think the herb-y flavors are a little better.
Back home, I headed straight to the yard to get my plants settled in.
See the little one in the front? That’s my butterfly weed (click to learn more about it). It’s supposed to attract monarch butterflies! I planted it near the patio…it would be so neat to enjoy coffee or lunch outside and look up to see little butterflies fluttering about.
Here are some befores and afters – I was trying to add some more color to my yard:
The sad thing is, until the plants really start growing and spreading, I can hardly tell a difference! I was really trying to add a pop of color to the yard, but it kind looks…well…the same. 🙁 I think I may need to pick up some more petunias tomorrow. 😆
Anywho, all these earth-friendly activities are making me feel really omm with nature.
Do you do any earth friendly activities on the weekends? Visit farmers markets? Yard word? Garden?
I got some plants and did some gardening also. So glad spring/summer is here.
Is that the Atherton Mill market!?!?!? Can’t wait to go sometime soon!