Sorry for those of you who have already seen these photos on Instagram or Twitter, but I thought I’d add some more commentary to them in a blog post.
Things have been super busy, which means I have had less time for blogging. But, I’ve been having a blast, while still working on wellness. Anywho, here we go…
I went with some friends after Zumba class a couple Saturdays ago to Luna’s Living Kitchen. It’s been awhile since I’ve been, but I heard they’re open for dinner. Woohoo! Yup, just checked their web site, and their new hours are Monday – Saturday 8am-9pm. Nice! I may not be a vegetarian, but this quinoa burger is so good! Good to know I can get it for dinner now. I also saw raw cheesecake and chocolate-coconut pudding desserts that I’d love to try sometime soon.
I re-created my Atherton Mill & Market tour with my friends by taking them to Savory Spice Shop, Vin Master, and the farmer’s market.
I recently scored some organic peanut butter on major sale. This PB is definitely going into some cookies. Maybe I can come up with a fun, holiday recipe?
I bought a GIANT bag of honey granola for a party favor idea that ended up not working out. I’m hoping to come up with some creative uses for this stuff. Recipes to come if they work out.
We got Bailey some new treats. He loves his Barbara’s Canine Cafe goodies.
I’ve been enjoying my Monk’s Groovy Beans coffee. I got a sample sized bag for free thanks to the Atherton Mills event, and I really want to make it back to the market to a) get more coffee and b) try one of their lattes. I hear they’re Seattle-good.
And I met a famous ZES (Zumba Education Specialist) – Wally! Wally is known for his salsa-merengue mash-up class that he does at Zumba convention every year. He was in Charlotte this past weekend for a master class, so I had to go. His class was so fun. Very Zumba-y, 95% Latin, and 100% fun. Wally was such a nice guy, too.
And we made the most delicious brisket for Sunday dinner. I polished off the leftovers for dinner tonight, and they were actually really good re-heated. I put the brisket with the leftover veggies and broth in a pot to heat back up. And I had steamed broccolini for an extra veg serving. We braised this brisket in red wine, and we had a glass with dinner. They tasted so good together. I’m going to have to try this recipe out again and share it, if I can get it just right.
I have 3 recipes queued up. Which one do you want to see next: Spinach Orzo Pasta (side dish), Honey Granola Cookies, or a new mystery muffin recipe?
That quinoa burger and brisket look delicious! I vote for the spinach orzo pasta recipe… I am a huge pasta fan! 🙂
Both the quinoa burger and brisket were so good. In very different ways! lol
The honey granola cookies – my friends always
Ask me to make them my homemade granola and I would to make something from it
The cookie recipe is up: 🙂
I’m working on some other uses for leftover granola, should you have extra in the future. 😉
PLEASE PLEASE post that mystery muffin recipe first! My second choice is the granola cookies, but I have not been able to get those muffins out of my head since you posted them over the weekend on Twitter. Ah! BTW, that burger looks INSANE! Love Luna’s!
The cookies won:
But the muffins are next! 🙂
I love to bake so either cookies or muffins is good for me!
The cookie recipe is live: and the muffins are next! 🙂
I vote for the orzo!
The muffins will be next, but the orzo will be soon after! 🙂
Next time I’ve visiting family in Charlotte I’ve got to try Luna’s – I keep seeing it pop up everywhere and it looks so yummy!
It’s very good! And now they have longer hours! 🙂
Mystery Muffin Please!!
Those are coming next! 🙂
I LOVE Wally! I took Salsa/Merengue Mash Up at convention this year and was blown away!
What app are you using to get the bokeh colored circles on your photos?! I love it and I must have it 😀
Nice! I haven’t done that class yet, but maybe I will next year?
I’m using an app called PicFX. I love it! The light effects are called “bokeh”. Enjoy!
Spinach Orzo recipe please!
I’ll post the orzo after the muffins go live! The cookies won!
Honey Granola Cookie please and thank you!! It is finally getting to be baking weather in South Texas and I need to play catch up!
The cookie recipe is up now! 🙂 Let me know how you like them!