DSLR Camera Strap Gifts + Giveaway!
Not that it’s all that complicated, but my secret fabric project was… DLSR Camera Strap Covers! Christmas gifts and matching/coordinated for my local food friends: Kath + Matt, Michelle + Ben, Kate + Nate, and Amanda + Justin. Mostly this…
CinnaToast + How to Multitask Errands
I’m working on not sleeping in even though I’m on a stay-cation. I couldn’t wait to break into our cinnamon chip bread. I made a quick breakfast of oven-broiled toast with real butter and a fried cage free egg with…
Bloggies Do Toast
I love how the blogosphere brings together so many great people together and how the holidays let’s their paths cross. I kept breakfast light today because I had a bloggie get-together planned for lunch. I made one base batch of…
Going Green: Handmade Fabric Grocery Bag + First Gen Organic!
I did it! I made the fabric grocery bag that I mentioned last week! I fiiiinally made some time for crafting… To start, I google-searched for handmade, re-usable, fabric grocery bag/tote tutorials. There were tons of tutorials, but I decided…
Bloggies Shop & Eat BBQ
Since I had Monday off and had planned to spend Saturday out of town, I met up with bloggie buddy, April, and her daughter, Bella, Monday afternoon for some crafty shopping and a delicious lunch. First, we hit up a…