Looking for the Zumba Convention 2023 dates! I’ve got you! Keep scrolling for the dates plus my tips to help you plan for Zumba Convention (aka ZinCon) like a pro. I’ve attended NINE Zumba conventions, so I’ve collected some tips along the way, and I’m happy to share them with you!

What are the Zumba Convention 2023 Dates?
The Zumba Convention 2023 dates are Thursday, August 10 – Sunday, August 13, 2023.
How Much Does Zumba Convention Cost?
I spent several hours researching my own costs and various ZinCon-related Facebook groups to write this blog post to answer the question “How much does Zumba Convention cost?”.
Where Will Zumba Convention 2023 Be Held?

Zumba Convention is typically held in Orlando, FL. Zumba Convention usually takes over a few buildings near I-drive:
- The Hyatt (where many events, like the theme party, trainings, and sessions take place)
- The Orlando Convention Center (where you can typically find registration, the Fitness Concert, the official Zumba Wear store, and many sessions and trainings)
- In some years, there have been sessions at nearby hotels, the Rosen and the Hilton
What Is Zumba Convention Like?
Zumba Convention is an experience that cannot be described in words. It’s exhilarating, inspiring, exhausting, fun, informative, and joyful – all at the same time. The only way to really understand what ZinCon is like is to attend one yourself. I’ve tried to capture the essence of the experience through my Zumba Convention blog posts and vlogs:
You can also click here to check out my Zumba Convention page, which has more tips and info, plus links to my past ZinCon blog posts. This is great if you want to see photos from past events and read about my experiences attending every year since 2011 (though I haven’t been back since the global you-know-what).
Official Zumba Convention Web Site
Zumba typically takes their Zumba Convention site down in between events. So if you click on it at the time I’m writing this post (or before they’ve republished it), it will say to check back later.
Regardless, it will be good to bookmark this for when it goes live: https://convention.zumba.com/
You’ll want this site handy for when when they announce sessions, presenters, and other ZinCon info. The site will have great information you can use to start thinking about what sessions you want to attend and help with other planning.

Plus, you’ll do your registration here, once they open that up. The timing on when registration will open varies year to year. I want to say it typically happens a couple months before the event. So check a couple months before the Zumba Convention 2023 dates. Or use this tip…
Tip: I usually listen for rumblings of when registration will open in the Facebook Group and also look for an email announcement from Zumba. The ZinCon crowd is passionate and highly motivated. I have seen sessions get booked up within hours of registration opening. I do think Zumba has tried to prevent this from happening but wanted to share just in case you have your heart set on one in particular.
Zumba Convention 2023 Facebook Group
As far as I know there is not an “official” Zumba-sponsored Facebook group. However, there is a great ZinCon group on Facebook here (click) that I’ve joined.
Heads Up: They will ask for your Zumba ID # when you request access to the group.
Note: The ZinCon community has to be one of the MOST friendly and kind I’ve ever encountered. Still, please exercise caution when dealing with strangers on the internet. Please use your best judgement and prioritize your safety. I’m a blogger, not a safety expert. I’m sharing this Facebook group because I’m personally in it and find it helpful.
More Questions? I Have More ZinCon Answers!
Be sure to check out my Zumba Convention FAQ page (click) where I may have already posted the answer to your question.
If you don’t see an answer, feel free to leave a comment on this post or contact me here, and I’ll do my best to reply as quickly as I can.
Attending Zumba Convention 2023?

Leave a comment below and tell us which country you’re from!
Or comment with how many Zumba Conventions you’ve attended!
And if you see me at ZinCon – don’t be shy! I’d love to meet you, so please say hi. Meeting you guys is one of the biggest highlights of my Zumba Convention experience every year. Can’t thank you enough for watching these videos and for your likes and shares. Thank you so much for your support!
More Zumba Convention Posts and Pages for You
- What to Pack for Zumba Convention
- Want to see my photos and videos from attending Zumba Convention from 2011 – 2019? Click here!
- Get more answers on my ZinCon FAQ page
Thanks for stopping by!
Hope You Found This Zumba Convention 2023 Post Helpful! Still have a question? Comment below!
Hope you found this post helpful. If you did, please consider sharing it with your fellow Zumba friends.
Note: I’m not affiliated with Zumba or Zumba Convention. I’m just a big fan who has attended nine ZinCons at the time of this blog post. I thought it would be helpful to share some of the tips and tricks I would have loved to have had when I first started attending.
I’m instructeur in zumba I want to participate in this global conference and Jamie to be one of the communicators in this conference, how do I get an invitation?
Hi Amina, I’m not actually associated with Zumba the company. You could try reaching out to someone at Zumba the company or ask about being a presenter in the Zumba instructor forums to see if anyone there knows how to get more info about this. Good luck! 🙂
Aug 10 is a Thursday. Does it begin on thurs 8/10 or Friday 8/11?
Hi Mary, Oops sorry about that! I just fixed the post. ZinCon is almost always 4 days long, starting on Thursday. It’s Thurs 8/10 for the first day. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! 🙂
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